
MSPLib Problems Library initial repository for synthetic problems

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Screenshot 2021-05-20 at 16 19 59

This version of the MSPLib Problems Library is still an INITIAL repository for synthetic problems.

Welcome to MSPLib Problem Library!

We present MSPLib, a library of multistage stochastic programming problems to measure the computational performance of different implementations of stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP). The MSPLib contains large real-world instances as well as synthetic problems that are difficult to solve. We use the library to test prevailing implementations, including MSPPy, QUASAR, and SDDP.jl.

Problem Instance Chart

Multistage Stochastic Linear Programming Problems

Synthetic Problems:

Synthetic Problems (1-3) Synthetic Problems (4-5) Synthetic Problems (6-8) Synthetic Problems (9-10)

Real-world Problems:

Set of Real World Problems


Each file in the MSPLib library follows the following convention:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 21 44 23

If you want to obtain a particular file - problem model, lattice, first stage solution, bounds plot, etc - check the Problem Instance Chart above for the file name of the document following the convention.