
Repository contains implementation of exemplary fifteen-puzzle solving techniques supplemented by GH actions testing environment.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Repository contains implementation of exemplary fifteen-puzzle solving techniques



Implemented using Python 3.8.10

  1. Clone repository
  2. Create venv python -m venv {VENV_NAME} and activate it - {VENV_NAME}\Scripts\activate
  3. Install fifteen-puzzle as package - while in repo directory pip install -e . or python -m pip install -e .
  4. To run locally


main.py [(-b/--bfs | -d/--dfs | -i/--idfs) {LRUD, LRDU, ...} | (-f/--bf | -a/--astar) {1,2}]



[-n/--input_file <INPUT_FILE>]

[-o/--output_file <OUTPUT_FILE>]

Example invokes - file paths depending on os

python .\src\fifteen_puzzle\main.py -n input1.sav --bfs DRUL --display

python src\fifteen_puzzle\main.py < tests\prepared_boards\input8.15sav > output.15sav --dfs LRUD

Example output



To run tests

  • Install tox pip install tox or python -m pip install tox
  • Run tox python -m tox

Implemented algorithms

  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Iterative Deepening Depth First Search
  • Greedy Best First Search
  • A*


  • Tested with the use of pytest on ubuntu-20.04 and windows-latest
  • Checked linting with the use of flake8

Additional information

  • Heuristic algorithms were optimized by adding hashes of previously visited nodes, so if a new node would be exactly the same it won't be added as a state to check.

  • Brute-force algorithms have limitation of max_depth of newly created node equal to 20