• To start backend cd backend node app.js
  • To start frontend cd frontend npm run start

###Router The documentation can be found https://reactrouter.com/en/main

  • To install router run npm install react-router-dom

  • Create router/index.js

    • import { createBrowserRouter, } from 'react-router-dom';

    • define the available pages

    • import HomePage from '../pages/Home';

    • const router = createBrowserRouter([ { path: '/', element: 'RootLayout', //Component which has to be rendered as page errorElement: , //Error page if user tpe wrong url children: [ { index: true, // to set default route, that should be loaded when parent route is active // path: '', // '/' - absolute path, thus here we need to use relative path element: // component that should be rendered }, { path: 'products', element: }, { path: 'products/:productId', //:productId - variable for dynamic routes element: } ]

      }, {} //represents one route ])

  • in App.js

    • import { RouterProvider } from 'react-router-dom';
    • import router from './router/index';
    • function App () { return <RouterProvider router={router}/>; }
      • in place where we want to display all pages - RootLayout -add
  • To reach the route (navigate) to it

    • import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
    • <NavLink className={({ isActive }) => { return isActive ? classes.active : undefined;}} //isActive - pass automatically by React to='' //relative path end> // end={true} React will consider the route as active only if it finishes ''(relative pass as mentioned in "to") if end={false} React will consider the route as active if it has '' (relative pass as mentioned in "to") - to style nav link use a:hover, a.active a OR
    • import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';
  • Programatically navigate to the pages - To get access to navigation object import {useNavigate} from 'react-router-dom';

    const navigate = useNavigate(); navigate('/'); navigate('products')

  • Dynamic routes

    • in router path: 'products/:productId',
    • in component we need this parameter import { useParams} from 'react-router-dom'; const params = useParams(); productId = params.productId //the same as in router
  • Paths are relative this means that child routes are appended to parent route

  • To go back


  • Loader property to perform the action while navigation to page add loader property to router

    • loader: eventsLoader, //eventsLoader - function which is executed just before the react navigate to the page, as a rule this function is defined at the component/page we need these data

    • at the page the data returned from loader is available import { useRouteLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom'; const {events} =useRouteLoaderData(ID);

      OR if it is the direct page with loader

      import { useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom'; const {events} = useLoaderData();

    • to use async and perform few action add

      export async function loader () { // React hooks can NOT be used here return defer({ events: await loadEvents() // to execute function which return promise event: await loadEvent(id) ..... });


      • to ReactRouter will wait till data is fetched

      const {events} = useRouteLoaderData('events'); // data that returns from loader

      return <Suspense fallback={<p style={{textAlign : 'center'}}>Loading...

      }> {loadedEvents => }

      • it there is error, router will render the closest ErrorElement
      • Handling Error if error occurred and new Error is thrown, ReactRouter renders the closest ErrorElement (in router.index) then trow error OR import { json } from 'react-router-dom'; use throw json({message: "Text"}, {status: 500}) if !response.ok
  • Loading route indicator It is visible NOT at the page that is loaded but on lower level, which is already rendered (RootLayout) import { useNavigation} from 'react-router-dom'; const navigation = useNavigation(); navigation.state can be 'loading'/'submiting'/'idle' {navigation.state === 'loading' &&



  • To redirect page import { redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; redirect('/events');

  • To send form data

    • add actions in router.js to needed route. This action is as a rule define in the component that need these data

    • import {Form} from 'react-router-dom'; !!!! Form will NOT be sent to BE, but all data will be sent to action in Router

    • all fields has to have field name attribute

    • {request, params} is sent automatically to route action, by clicking inside

    • request contains all form data

    • to get form data => formData = await request.formData();

    • data.get('fieldName');

    • to set error data (for validation) return {validationError : "Error"} to access this error => data.validationError

      • to trigger action programatically
        • import {useSubmit} from 'react-router-dom'
        • const submit = useSubmit();
        • submit(DATA, {method: 'delete'}, ROUTE_PATH) - will trigger action, which defined in router, ROUTE_PATH if the action if defined in another route
    • To handle the response data from the action

      • import { useActionData } from 'react-router-dom';
      • const data = useActionData();
      • data is set when action return some data ether From BackEnd or by validation
  • useFetcher

    • import {useFetcher} from 'react-router-dom';

    • const fetcher = useFetcher()

    • fetcher.Form - will still trigger the action, but will not initialize the route transition It means that the action will dispatch without navigation to this page therefore add the action='pathToPage' which action has to be dispatched.

    • const {data, state} = fetcher; to get data of from fetcher

      • state - 'idle/loading/submitting'
      • use the state to change UI

-Defer loading - import { defer, Await } from 'react-router-dom'; - import { Suspense } from 'react'; - make loaderFunction separate function(async func)

- export async function loader () {
      // React hooks can NOT be used here
      return defer({
          events: await loaderFunction()    // to execute function which return promise
          data: await secondLoaderFunction() // Execute here
  //omit await if we do not nee to wait some data
  -We still have access to loaded data  const {events} = useRouteLoaderData('events'); OR const {data} = useLoaderData(); (if it is root page)
- return <Await resolve=events>
             <Suspense fallback={<Loader/>}>  // Is us to to fallback while we fetching the data
            {loadedEvents => <EventsList events={loadedEvents}/>} //await will wait till data loaded and will call this func  with loadedEvents automatically