
Convert activity from MyWellness JSON format to TCX

Primary LanguagePython

Convert activity from MyWellness JSON format to TCX

mywellness2tcx.py script converts acivity data in MyWellness JSON format to TCX suitable to import to Strava.


  1. Go to https://www.mywellness.com/cloud/Training.
  2. Open Developer Tools window in your browser, switch to Network tab, select XHR filter.
  3. Click on a circle with number to expand activities for needed date, go to activity page.
  4. Right click on last request in Developer Tools window (GET https://services.mywellness.com/Training/CardioLog/…/Details?…), choose Copy response.
  5. Save copied data into file.
  6. Run mywellness2tcx.py JSON_FILE ACTIVITY_START_TIME, where JSON_FILE is the path to the file you just saved and ACTIVITY_START_TIME is UTC start time for the activity in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M format.
  7. There schould .tcx file appear in the same folder as JSON_FILE. Upload it to Strava.