GLANCE. Education at a glance.

Setting up your enviorment

If you are tasked with working on the Glance project, you can follow these steps to setup your development enviorment.

  1. This project is built on NodeJS v16 so you will need to make sure your computer has this version installed and setup.
  2. Clone the repository to your computer and then promptly run npm install to build the dependancies.
  3. Create the .env file using the provided .env.example as reference. You must provide all of the settings.
  4. Run npm run dev to start the testing server. Otherwise run npm run storybook to run the Storybook pane.

Contributing to the project

All of our tickets are managed via YouTrack.

When creating a new branch it should be named the ticket number prefixed with the word ALMP. Ex. ALMP-123, ALMP-32, ALMP-345

Pull requests should describe the changes which have been made in the title and description.

All new work is to be commited to the development branch and NOT main.

Please keep your branches up to date with the upstream branch.

Style Guide

The front end is disctated by the style guide. You can access this document here: Glance EMSE Style Guide