
Project template for C libraries

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This repository is a project template including files and directories used to create C libraries. A script is provided in order to create the project, which will be done over a git repository. The basic structure of the new project is represented below.

project dir
|-- Makefile
|-- src
|    |-- c files
|    `-- h files
`-- test
    |-- Makefile
    `-- test files (c files)

The Makefile in the root of the project will build all C files inside of src, while the Makefile inside of test will build all C files in its directory.

The tests run through valgrind and it's expected to have one test per C file. To start the tests execute make run-tests inside of test directory.

How to use

Execute the script create-library using the following syntax.

./create-library <library_name> <destination_path>

A new git repository containing the project will be created at destination path.

You can specify the license to be used on your project, in this case a file named LICENSE is created on the root of the project and the license information is added to the header of the C files.

./create-library <library_name> <destination_path> --license=MIT