
Web server access log parser and CLI tool with added features for web archive replay logs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AccessLog Parser and CLI

Web server access log parser and CLI tool with added features for web archive replay logs.


This package requires Python 3.6 or above. Install the latest version of the released package and accesslog CLI tool from PyPi:

$ pip install accesslog

Alternatively, build and install the development version of the package:

$ git clone https://github.com/oduwsdl/accesslog-parser.git
$ cd accesslog-parser
$ python3 setup.py install
$ accesslog --version

Input Parsing


Record Filtering


Output Formatting


CLI Reference

$ accesslog -h
usage: accesslog [options] [FILES ...]

A tool to parse Common Log formatted access logs with various derived fields.

positional arguments:
  files                 Log files (plain/gz/bz2) to parse (reads from the STDIN, if empty or '-')

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Show version number and exit
  -d, --debug           Show debug messages on STDERR
  -e FIELDS, --nonempty FIELDS
                        Skip record if any of the provided fields is empty (comma separated list)
  -i FIELDS, --valid FIELDS
                        Skip record if any of the provided field values are invalid
                        ('all' or comma separated list from 'host,request,status,size,referrer')
  -m FIELD~RegExp, --match FIELD~RegExp
                        Skip record if field does not match the RegExp (can be used multiple times)
  -t TFORMAT, --origtime TFORMAT
                        Original datetime format of logs (default: '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z')
  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        Output format string (see available formatting fields below)
  -j FIELDS, --json FIELDS
                        Output NDJSON with the provided fields (use 'all' for all fields except 'origline')

formatting fields:
  {origline}            Original log line
  {host}                IP address of the client
  {identity}            Identity of the client, usually '-'
  {user}                User ID for authentication, usually '-'
  {origtime}            Original date and time (typically in '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z' format)
  {epoch}               Seconds from the Unix epoch (derived from origtime)
  {date}                UTC date in '%Y-%m-%d' format (derived from origtime)
  {time}                UTC time in '%H:%M:%S' format (derived from origtime)
  {datetime}            14 digit datetime in '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' format (derived from origtime)
  {request}             Original HTTP request line
  {method}              HTTP method (empty for invalid request)
  {path}                Path and query (scheme and host removed, empty for invalid request)
  {prefix}              Memento endpoint path prefix (derived from path)
  {mtime}               14 digit Memento datetime (derived from path)
  {rflag}               Memento rewrite flag (derived from path)
  {urir}                Memento URI-R (derived from path)
  {httpv}               HTTP version (empty for invalid request)
  {status}              Returned status code
  {size}                Number of bytes returned
  {referrer}            Referer header (empty, if not logged)
  {agent}               User-agent header (empty, if not logged)
  {extras}              Any additional logged fields
Default FORMAT: '{host} {date} {time} {method} {path} {status} {size} "{referrer}" "{agent}"'