
sbt Plugin for Scala code generation for Swagger specs

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SBT Swagger Code Generator


Like the official swagger-codegen this project aims to generate Scala source code from Swagger 2.0 Specification compliant API descriptions. Moreover, you can do it directly within an sbt project.


This code generator is designed specifically for Swagger Spec Version 2.0. Moreover, it relies on Play! Framework 2.7 for Json marshalling/unmarshalling, server- and client-side code.


Current release is 0.0.12

If you want to try the latest version on master, first clone this project and publishLocal it.

Enable it inside your project\plugins.sbt like this:

addSbtPlugin("eu.unicredit" % "sbt-swagger-codegen" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT")

Enable it in your build.sbt like this:


Quick start

For a super fast hands-on tutorial refer to the related examples and check out sbt-swagger-codegen-examples.

How it works

By default, the plugin will assume that you have put your yaml Swagger specification files under src/main/swagger.

If so, then you can just run swaggerModelCodeGen task and it will generate your models as case classes and Play Framework Formats for them (for json serialization).


All available tasks from the plugin

  • swaggerModelCodeGen -> generated code for model classes
  • swaggerServerCodeGen -> generates Play Framework code
  • swaggerClientCodeGen -> generates client code using play-ws
  • swaggerClean -> cleans up already generated code

The swaggerModelCodeGen, swaggerServerCodeGen and swaggerClientCodeGen will run automatically when the swagger sources change.

Keys (and defaults)

These keys influence properties of the generated code itself:

  • swaggerSourcesDir -> "/src/main/swagger" (path where to search for swagger files)
  • swaggerCodeGenPackage -> "swagger.codegen" (package name of the generated sources)
  • swaggerModelFileSplitting -> "oneFilePerSource" (in model generation how to group classes in '.scala' files available options are "oneFilePerSource" "oneFilePerModel")
  • swaggerCodeProvidedPackage -> "com.yourcompany" (where you will provide business logic server method implementation)

These keys determine where generated files will be put:

  • swaggerModelCodeTargetDir -> "target/scala-2.1x/src_managed/src/main/swagger/model" (path where to put generated model files)
  • swaggerClientCodeTargetDir -> "target/scala-2.1x/src_managed/src/main/swagger/client" (path where to put generated client code files)
  • swaggerServerCodeTargetDir -> "target/scala-2.1x/src_managed/src/main/swagger/server" (path where to put generated server code files)

These keys can be used to determine what kind of code should be generated:

  • swaggerGenerateModel -> true (to be disabled if you do not want model classes to be generated automatically when swagger source code changes)
  • swaggerGenerateJsonRW -> true (if you want to generate json Format for your model case classes)
  • swaggerGenerateClient -> false (enable this if you want client code to ge generated automatically when swagger source code changes)
  • swaggerGenerateServer -> false (enable this if you want client code to ge generated automatically when swagger source code changes)

Moreover, you can extend this plugin by providing alternative implementations of the generators via:

  • swaggerModelCodeGenClass -> new eu.unicredit.swagger.generators.DefaultModelGenerator() (the class used to generate the model classes)
  • swaggerJsonCodeGenClass -> new eu.unicredit.swagger.generators.DefaultJsonGenerator() (the class used to generate the json marshaller/unmarshaller)
  • swaggerServerCodeGenClass -> new eu.unicredit.swagger.generators.DefaultServerGenerator() (the class used to generate the Server classes)
  • swaggerClientCodeGenClass -> new eu.unicredit.swagger.generators.DefaultClientGenerator() (the class used to generate the client classes)



At the moment the project is developed to fulfill some internal projects needs, so do not expect it to cover all the corner cases of the Swagger Spec (i.e. some primitive types in body req or resp).

The road ahead

We are actively working with and on this project, trying to overcome any arising limitations and support all Swagger-spec properties we need. PRs are really welcome and please open an Issue if you find that something is not working.



Thanks to Daniel Wunsch (@dwunsch), @dvirf and Reto Habluetzel (@rethab) for their valuable contributions.

*** This is a work in progress and we are not done with it! ***