
Deletes Django database records according to a retention policy of your choice.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Deletes Django database records according to a retention policy of your choice.


First of all you need your Django application setup with Celery. With both a worker process and a Celery beat process.

Then proceed to install the package.

pip install django-retention-policy

And setup the periodic Celery task, in your settings.py:

from datetime import timedelta

EIGHT_WEEKS_IN_SECS = 86400 * 7 * 8
    'periodic-task_delete_expired_db_records': {
        'task': 'django_retention_policy.task_delete_expired_db_records',
        'schedule': timedelta(hours=12),
        'kwargs': {
            'app_name': 'django_app_name_here',
            'model_name': 'YourDjangoModelNameHere',
            'time_based_column_name': 'timestamp',
            'data_retention_num_seconds': EIGHT_WEEKS_IN_SECS,

That's it. Start up your Celery worker, and Celery beat processes and the automatic deletion will take place according to your configuration.