
Temp Repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Shader-demo is a Glsl shader testing and visual effects lib.

This is a temp repo for now. The js lib distribution will using Webpack in the future. For now, there is a helping tool, cp-res, in shader-demo/lib directory for copying necessary files. Users need modify the "src" array to indicate their git location, then copy files to their application/oz dir.

The bash script is only can be used in linux.

The shadertoy and raymatching is some how different from the well known style of 3d rendering, see [2].

This repository is a testing project using three.js for running shaders from shadertoy in a html file, independent to shadertoy.

Here are some of the results:

  • basic raymatching shape

basic raymatching

Try the different algorithms in [3].

  • platonic solids

platonic solids

Shapes melding, because of power of "mix()".

  • volumetric rendering example

modified plasma globe

  • data texture

data texture generated by Math.sin

  • geojson model, GPU pick

picking by gpu

  • dynamic points

dynamic points

  • OSM axis convertion

osm tile and world position

osm transparent buildings

Hacking Memo:

  1. Tiles and bulidings are scaled differently with respect to latitude;

  2. Using web workers to handling data tasks asynchronously, scheduled by a manager class - Grid;

  • Grid#update() are peroidically called and visible tiles are collected;

  • Data access tasks are queued by Grid#update();

  • When tiles are the case of GeoJSON, tasks will create new Features, which in turn will load geojson data;

  • When geojson data loaded, it post message to another worker, feature/worker.js, which will convert geojson (mainly polygons) into webgl compitable data, in method feature/worker.js#processGeoJSON();

  • The final model will be rendered by Feature#onload() in a cascading way, for performance reason.

  1. A bulding can be represented by multi geojson features and height is from the level property, with each floor height = 3m.

Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/odys-z/shader-demo.git

Then open index.html with browser. Edge is recommended because you can load local files, the others like Firefox or Chrome will report CROS error.


Chrome CROS Blocked

If Chrome is reporting CROS error, that's because you opened the html file from file system and it's trying to load a local file. Chrome doesn't allow this access by default. So in Ubuntu:

google-chrome --allow-file-access-from-files --allow-file-access --allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt

Windows has the similar shooting.

see Stackovrflow: Problems with jQuery getJSON using local files in Chrome;

and chrome support


try-01 and try-02

And also example: sdf examples, with sdf example tutorial

This source is copied in ./refrences


Three.js & Shadertoy

OSM, Mapbox, etc.

Basic 3D Algorithms