
Collection of Docker images to build the data science catalog of the Onyxia project

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Build and push Docker images


A collection of Docker images for ready-to-run datascience services.

They can be used alone but are designed to work with the Onyxia ecosystem.


4 layers:

  • base layer ubuntu and nvidia's ubuntu-cuda adding some base binaries
  • a layer to add on this base some python and R versions (currently, 2 different versions supported for each programming language)
  • a layer to add on this python and R images some coherent bundle experience classic datascience packages, spark, tensorflow and pytorch
  • a layer to put on the top of that some ide like jupyter, rstudio or vscode
  graph LR;
      PYSPARK--> JPYSPARK[jupyter-pyspark]:::ide;
      PYDS--> JPYDS[jupyter-python]:::ide;
      PYTENSORFLOW--> JPYTENSORFLOW[jupyter-tensorflow]:::ide;
      PYTORCH--> JPYTORCH[jupyter-pytorch]:::ide;
      PYSPARK--> VSCODEPYSPARK[vscode-pyspark]:::ide;
      PYDS--> VSCODEPYDS[vscode-python]:::ide;
      PYTENSORFLOW--> VSCODEPYTENSORFLOW[vscode-tensorflow]:::ide;
      PYTORCH--> VSCODEPYTORCH[vscode-pytorch]:::ide;
      RDS--> JRDS[jupyter-r]:::ide;
      RSPARK -->RSTUDIOSPARKR[rstudio-sparkr]:::ide;
      RDS--> RSTUDIORDS[rstudio-r]:::ide;
      RDS--> VSCODER[vscode-r]:::ide;
      RPYJU--> VSCODERPYJU[vscode-r-python-julia]:::ide;
      classDef base fill:#d2f9ff,color:#000  ;
      classDef minimal fill:#C1D5DF,color:#000;
      classDef package fill:#3cb5f2 ,color:#000  ;
      classDef ide fill:#0072d9  ;

Environment variable

List of environment variable you can use to pimp the container at init:

If helm chart support is checked, it means that environment variable behavior is supported in https://github.com/InseeFrLab/helm-charts-interactive-services

If Onyxia support is checked, it means that the Onyxia product could inject automatically the environment variable based on onyxia-web behavior or onyxia-api region configuration.

environment variable Example Description helm chart support Onyxia support
PIP_REPOSITORY https://some.entreprise.mirror/repository/pypi-proxy/simple Configure an externally managed pip repository manager ✔️ ✔️
CONDA_REPOSITORY https://some.entreprise.mirror/repository/conda-proxy/main Configure an externally managed conda repository manager ✔️ ✔️
R_REPOSITORY https://some.entreprise.mirror/repository/cran Configure an externally managed cran repository manager not yet (*) not yet (*)
PATH_TO_CA_BUNDLE /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt Configure a path to a ca bundle with autorities to support an auto-signed some.entreprise.mirror not yet (*) not yet (*)

(*) For now you should inject this another way, contact on onyxia slack for some recipes depend of your context.

There is multiple recipes:

Your user has non root capabilities:

runAsNonRoot: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false

Your user have root capabilities:

  • you can do the same but also point on system bundle doing an appropriate update-ca-certificates in your region script.

Other recipes out of the scope of onyxia :

  • kubernetes injection: you rely on some kubernetes global certificate injection then use kyverno/gatekeeper to enforce PATH_TO_CABUNDLE to the injected path.

    • soon PATH_TO_CA_BUNDLE will be an injected field of the onyxia region.
  • rebuild of images just to add certificates: you can also rebuild the images in your entreprise just to add ca certificates with this same recipe relying on a PATH_TO_CABUNDLE.

As far as we know, if you target a non root environment with custom authorities bundle in the system store, onyxia can't do this you should rely on this kind of recipes out of the scope of onyxia.

full onyxia recipe:

Not developped yet we have 2 paths at least:

Freshness and rebuild

A new set of images are built every monday at 02:00.

Governance references