Oliver Bøvings Master Thesis

This is a template based on the LaTeX template provided by DTU Compute.


  • 🤖 Just
  • 🐼 Pandoc
  • 🪶 pandoc-secnos
  • 🔍 Skim
    • This one is optional, but on macOS it allows for auto reloading of PDF's on change. To do so, press CMD+, in Skim and goto Sync and enable Check for file changes and Reload automatically.


The Justfile should contain all the common tasks you want to perform. To get started writing, open an editor, and run:


This compiles your thesis once, opens the the generated PDF. Now anytime you change a .md file, the thesis gets recompiled, and the PDF updates automatically if setup to reload.

devenv.sh configuration

[devenv.sh] is a neat tool for: "Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments". If you want to use it, install it, run devenv init, and edit the generated devenv.nix to contain something like the following:

{ pkgs, ... }:

  starship.enable = true;

  packages = [ pkgs.git pkgs.just pkgs.pandoc pkgs.python310Packages.pandoc-xnos ];

  enterShell = '''';

  # https://devenv.sh/languages/
  languages.python.enable = true;
  languages.python.venv.enable = true;