
An installable app version of sabrage

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An application that includes only the sabrage library. You can use this app if you just want to install a runnable version of Sabrage.


  1. Create a virtualenv for the python packages:
  • python3 -m venv virtualenv
  1. Use your new virtualenv:
  • source virtualenv/bin/activate
  • You will need to do this every time you start a new terminal session
  1. Install dependencies:
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run migrations:
  • ./manage.py migrate
  1. Create a superuser account
  • ./manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Run the server:
  • ./manage.py runserver
  1. Go to the admin UI and create some items
  1. Now you should be ready to test



The application is set up to be deployable to Heroku. You just need to create an app and push it. Note that the databse in this default configuration is an SQLite file based database which should never ever be used for real on Heroku (and rarely anywhere else).

  1. heroku create
  2. heroku git:remote
  3. git push heroku master


To deploy the application with Apache mod_wsgi, have a look at the documentation

You don't even need to care about the static files setup, as this app uses whitenoise to serve those through Django too.