
A C header file for reading and writing sub-byte sized data.

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A C header file for reading and writing sub-byte sized data.


Very often, C programs require an ability to read and write data which aren't byte aligned or which take up less than a single byte. This is particularly common in video/image codecs and network protocols. Nibble is a small, self-contained library which simplifies the process of manipulating such data. It works by defining a number of struct types with bit-fields of various sizes. For instance u1, u2 and u3 take up one, two and three bits respecitvely.


Constructing sub-byte arrays is dead simple. Just declare the array as having type uX where X is an integer from 1-16.

#include "nibble.h"

// Create an array of unsigned 2-bit integers.

u2 array[4] = {

// Read the third value.

printf("%d\n", array[2].value);

If binary literals are not supported use decimal or hexadecimal notation instead.

You can also easily read sub-byte values from an existing array via in-line casting.

#include "nibble.h"

char array[4] = "cool";

print("%d\n", (u2 *)
