# What ? Sociopathor is a rails engine that bundle ready to use implementation of authlogic and authlogic-connect, to register / login on your app with facebook and twitter. Once installed, the only thing you need to do is to give your api keys and secrets. I created it in order not to have to recode this each times, so I only put in the services I needed (twitter and facebook) among the large panel of services supported by authlogic. If you need more sociopathy, well, fork it. # Install In your Gemfile, put : gem 'sociopathor', :git => 'git://github.com/oelmekki/sociopathor.git' Then run : bundle install rails generate sociopathor:install rake db:migrate # Config Sociopathor use authlogic-connect, and should be configured as that one. Two files will be installed : config/authlogic.yml config/initializers/authlogic_connect_config.rb Enter your api key / secrets in both. # Use Sociopathor gives you two ApplicationController methods to use with filters : - require_user : redirect to login page if user isn't logged in - require_no_user : redirect to root page and inform user she should not be logged in He also gives you three helpers methods : - store_location : store the current url in order to redirect back to it then - redirect_back_or_default : redirect to stored location or to default given as parameter - current_user : retrieve the current user instance (or nil) The User model give you following methods : - twitter_restful : proxy to twitter api ( or nil if user is not logged in with twitter ) - facebook_restful : proxy to facebook api ( or nil if user is not logged in with facebook ) - profile : a hash containing profile for default (first connected) third party service : * id : the user id at third party * name : the name of user at third party * avatar : the user avatar * link : the user profile url at third party Finally, he also gives you the following routes (not sot antisocial, after all): - /login - /logout # Extend You'll probably want to extend the base classes. Sociopathor being a rails engine, you can't just monkey patch them : if an app/models/user.rb file exists in your app, the engine's one won't be loaded. That's ok, this mechanism let you override views. Sociopathor generator installs a bunch of files for you to extend its base class : app/models/local_user.rb app/models/local_user_session.rb app/controllers/local_users_controller.rb app/controllers/local_user_sessions_controller.rb If you don't need them, you can safely erase them.