A minimal IRC Chatbot written in PHP following a subset of RFC1459.
This is originally a fork of https://github.com/Hammster/php-irc-bot
I updated it with:
- external structured config files, can be specified via command line
- customizable chat commands in separate
files, eg.random.php
- convenience functions for sending raw messages and
- improved channel joining for better RFC compatibility
- a total
rewrite of this parser class! Allows for more sensible handling of incoming messages - in some places, different error handling
- SSL/TLS support
- Twitch support
- configure values in a config file, like
- add or modify commands in the
dir, following the examples - run
php ./bot.php yourconfig.php
in you command line or set up a daemon (supervisord, etc.) - (can run several bots at once if you specify different config files!)
return array(
'server' => array(
'url' => 'chat.freenode.net',
'port' => 6697,
'ssl' => true
'user' => array(
'username' => 'oelnabot',
'realname' => 'Arno Richter',
'nickname' => 'oelnabot',
'password' => ''
'channels' => array( // channels to auto-join on connect
Get your OAuth token here: https://twitchapps.com/tmi/
return array(
'server' => array(
'url' => 'irc.chat.twitch.tv',
'port' => 6697,
'ssl' => true
'user' => array(
'username' => 'oelna81',
'realname' => 'Arno Richter',
'nickname' => 'oelna81',
'password' => 'oauth:3ip9fate9np66crjwbi28i7o00velf'
'channels' => array(
This is mostly a note to myself, in case I need to deal with this again:
(This assumes php-chatbot
is set as name in your .ini
command=php /your/full/path/bot.php /your/full/path/config-custom.php
See last output: supervisorctl tail php-chatbot
Start service: supervisorctl start php-chatbot
Stop service: supervisorctl stop php-chatbot
Restart service: supervisorctl restart php-chatbot
(eg. after file modifications)