
A docker container with a shadow-cljs & clojure environment for VS Code.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Clojure in Docker

This repo sets up a Clojure/Clojure-js development environment for VS Code.


Image (./.devcontainer/Dockerfile)

The image is based on Microsofts Alpine container and Adds the Azul Zulu15 JDK, ttf-dejavu (for Fontconfig stuff that Calva wants), rlwrap, Clojure, Nodejs and NPM.

Plugins (./.devcontainer/devcontainer.json)

  • Calva
  • rainbow-brackets
  • Cspell (with Swedish)
  • Markdownlint

Ports (./.devcontainer/devcontainer.json)

  • 8080 (for external http access)
  • 9630 (for shadow-cljs)


The package.json contains a dev dependency on shadow-cljs and the shadow-cljs.edn sets up the :app build target that can be started by Calva and connected to.

Now http://localhost:8080 should be reachable.