
lprivileges is inspired by [SAP Privileges](https://github.com/SAP/macOS-enterprise-privileges) and an attempt to get a similar tool on Linux, and is in early development.

Primary LanguageShell

Linux Privileges


Linux Privileges or lprivileges is designed to allow users to work as a standard user for day-to-day use, by providing a quick and easy way to get administrator rights when needed. When you do need admin rights, you can get them by clicking on the Privileges icon in your favorites, or by calling lprivilegesreq in your Terminal.

Working as a standard user instead of an administrator adds another layer of security to your Linux device and is considered a security best practice. Linux Privileges helps users to request Privileges escalation only when required.

lprivileges is inspired by SAP Privileges and an attempt to get a similar tool on Linux, and is in early development.


Installation is easy. Clone the repo.

cd /into/the/repo
sudo ./install-Linux-Privileges.sh

Config file

Some Settings can be customized by editing the config file lprivileges.conf

Settings should be edited prior to installation if installed manually or deployed with some management tool.

  • custom configuration file can be found in the file: ./etc/lprivileges.conf
  • It will be located in folder '/usr/local/etc/lprivileges' after installation.
  • Do not change lprivileges.global.conf

Options / Settings

  • notify_demote

    • 1 to notify user when privileges are demoted
    • 0 for no notification
  • notify_grant

    • 1 to notify user when privileges are granted
    • 0 for no notification
  • require_password

    • 1 to require user to authenticate to request privileges escalation.
    • 0 users do not have to authenticate to request privileges escalation.
  • reason_required

    • 1 to require user to give a reason for the privileges escalation request.
    • 0 users do not have to give a reason for the privileges escalation request.
    • Note: as of now there are 5 reasons to give. see Roadmap.
  • reason_text

    • Text to display to the user when Reason is required.
    • Handy if eventually want to translate in your native language for example.
  • reason_01

    • Change if you wish. for now must not be empty. see Roadmap.
    • Default text: "Just for fun"
      • note: this should be changed and reviewed by your Security Team.
  • reason_02

    • Just change if you wish. for now must not be empty. see Roadmap.
    • Default text: "App installation".
      • note: this should be changed and reviewed by your Security Team.
  • reason_03

    • Just change if you wish. for now must not be empty. see Roadmap.
    • Default text: "IT management" - note: this temporary and will be changed.
  • reason_04

    • Just change if you wish. for now must not be empty. see Roadmap.
    • Default text: "Don't know"
      • note: this should be changed and reviewed by your Security Team.
  • reason_05

    • Other Reason entered by user. Change only if you want to translate. for now must not be empty. see Roadmap.
    • The user enters a different reason than the one proposed.
      • note: this should be changed and reviewed by your Security Team.
  • timer

    • The timer in Minutes after which the Privileges are demoted.
    • 15mn by default.
      • note: this should be changed and reviewed by your Security Team.


All scripts are installed in /usr/local/bin and available in your $PATH

To request Privileges run lprivilegesreq

For now usage is simple:

Gnome Desktop:

If the icon is not in your favorite bar, search for the app in the 'Show Applications' in your Desktop. The favorite icon will be created at the first request in any case.

Desktop App is a shorcut, and will open up a terminal window just like if you called lprivilegesreq from Terminal.


run lprivilegesreq

Press Any Key or ctrl-C to cancel

 Linux Privileges:
  Would you like to request Administator Privileges ?
    Request privileges - Press any Key
    Cancel - (c/C) or ctrl-C

Choose or provide a reason

 Linux Privileges:
   You requested Administator Privileges Escalation
   Please enter a reason:
    (1) Just for Fun
    (2) App installation
    (3) IT management
    (4) Don't know
    (5) Other reason
    (6) Cancel

Other reason: lprivileges demo

enter your password to confirm

Please Enter johndoe password to confirm:


You can ask your current privileges status by calling lprivileges -s or lprivileges --status

status requested
You currently have elevated privileges


If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README.

  • Finish this readme.
  • Allow ≠ number of reasons.
    • manage Other reason in case we change the number of reasons.
  • Allow display Texts to be changed.
  • Fusion ( or not ) lprivilegesreq with lprivileges
  • Send message thru Terminal for users connected over ssh
  • "autodemote at login" option
  • Request demote without waiting for timer to end.
  • Finetuning user's icon Favorite creation in Gnome.
    • Sometimes when the Application is created, the Application icon is not added to user's favorite.
    • The icon favorite is automatically added at the first user request.
  • Add a GUI for the request - demote in GNOME ?
  • Improve text display and user interaction.
  • Allow input for the request -aka lprivileges -r "some reason"
  • Display Status in request
    • -> propose to demote if user is admin.
    • -> propose to grant is user is standard user.
  • Adapt App Icon to unlocked if the user is admin during the installation.
  • Adapt to other thing than Gnome Desktop ?