

1- Draw your DFD by using

2- Export xml file of DFD from

3- Clone the GitHub repository:

$ git clone

4- Go into directory where the script( and the xml file of DFD, which you have exported in steps 2. To run the the script( from the terminal, you need to provide the file names of csv file for DFD, csv file for PA-DFD and xml file for PA-DFD as arguments, use the following command:

$ python "the name of DFD xml file" "the name of DFD csv file" 
  "the name of PA-DFD csv file" "the name of PA-DFD xml file" 

5- Deployment: import the PA-DFD xml file in and modify the layout of your diagram


Amazon_dfd_in_comp.drawio contains subpart of the case study which is Amazon level-0 DFD. This example focus on the usage hotspot. The DFD is exported as xml file from drawio tool and called Amazon_dfd_in_comp.xml. From the directory where we have the script( and aforementioned file, we have run the following:

 $ python Amazon_dfd_in_comp.xml  Amazon_dfd_in_comp.csv
   Amazon_padfd_in_comp.csv Amazon_padfd_in_comp.xml 

where the third, fourth and fifth arguments are the name of DFD csv file, PA-DFD csv file and PA-DFD xml file, respectively. After this terminated successfully, we got PA-DFD in format of xml file (Amazon_dfd_in_comp.xml). In order to get PA-DFD diagram, we have imported/opened Amazon_padfd_in_comp.xml in drawio. Finally, we have modified the layout of PA-DFD to have readable diagram.