
Document model and Logging issues

quentin1337 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello tespy community,

I wanted to adress some issues I was having with the document model and logging in tespy.

The first problem I faced was the adjustment of the enthalpy value in my logging file. Here it says that the enthalpy range must be in between 1000 and 7.000.000 J/kg and after that it says that the enthalpy values in some connections of my network are being adjusted to 600 and lower, which does not make a lot of sense to me.

I also noticed that in the report the specifications and results and applied equations for the Simple Heat Exchanger are listed in the section "Components of type Condenser".

And most importantely I am struggling with the overall equations and variables that are being used for the calculation of my network. It would be really nice if you could see exactly which equations and variables are applied and how certain variables are being eliminated in certain components/connections.

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Thank you for bringing this up, I'll fix the issue soon!