
HathorNetwork's fullnode core

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hathor Network

Mainnet Version Testing Docker Codecov Discord License

Running a full-node


At the moment, our mainnet is running on a whitelist basis. This means only authorized nodes will be able to connect. For testing purposes, you can connect to the testnet (using the --testnet parameter). If you want to connect to the mainnet, you have to use a peer-id and send this id to a team member. You can get in touch with us through our channels, preferrably Discord or Telegram.

Using Docker

The easiest way to run a full-node is to use our Docker image. If you don't have Docker installed, check out this link. So, just run:

docker run -ti -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 hathornetwork/hathor-core run_node --cache --status 8080 --stratum 8081

The --status 8080 will run our HTTP API on port 8080, while the --stratum 8081 will run a stratum server on port 8081. You can check your full-node status accessing http://localhost:8000/v1a/status/. Use --help for more parameters.

For more information about our HTTP API, check out our API Documentation.

From source-code

First, you need to have Python 3.6 installed. If you don't, we recommend you to install using pyenv (check this link).

System dependencies

  • on Ubuntu 20.04 (without using pyenv):

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3.6 python3.6-dev python3.6-pip build-essential
    pip install -U poetry

    optionally install RocksDB lib:

    sudo apt install librocksdb-dev
  • on macOS:

    first intall pyenv, keep in mind that you might need to restart your shell or init pyenv after installing:

    brew install pyenv

    then Python 3.6 (you could check the latest 3.6.x version with pyenv install --list):

    pyenv install 3.6.11
    pyenv local 3.6.11
    pip install -U poetry

    optionally install RocksDB lib:

    sudo apt install librocksdb-dev
  • on Windows 10 (using winget):

    winget install python-3.6
    pip install -U poetry

    currently it isn't possible to use RocksDB, if you're interested, please open an issue or if you were able to do this please create a pull-request with the required steps.

Clone the project and install poetry dependencies

git clone git@github.com:HathorNetwork/hathor-core.git && cd hathor-core
poetry install

Optionally if you've installed the RocksDB lib:

poetry install -E rocksdb

Generate protobuf modules:

poetry run make protos

Running the full-node

poetry run hathor-cli run_node --status 8080

Additional considerations

(Assume poetry shell, otherwise prefix commands with poetry run)

Data persistence

By default, the full node uses a memory storage. It means that, if the node is restarted, it will have to sync all blocks and transactions again. You can use a persistent storaged by passing a directory where data will be stored by using parameter --data.

hathor-cli run_node --status 8080 --data /data

With Docker

When running the full node with Docker and using a persistent storage, it's best to bind a Docker volume to a host directory. This way, the container may be restarted or even destroyed and the data will be safe.

To bind the volume, use parameter -v host-dir:conatiner-dir:options (Docker documentarion).

docker run -v ~/hathor-data:/data:consistent ... run_node ... --data /data

Using a peer-id

It's optional, but generally recommended, first generate a peer-id file:

hathor-cli gen_peer_id > peer_id.json

Then, you can use this id in any server or client through the --peer parameter. For instance:

hathor-cli run_node --listen tcp:8000 --peer peer_id.json

The ID of your peer will be in the key id inside the generated json (peer_id.json), e.g. "id": "6357b155b0867790bd92d1afe3a9afe3f91312d1ea985f908cac0f64cbc9d5b2".

Common development commands

Assuming virtualenv is active, otherwise prefix make commands with poetry run.

Check if code seems alright:

make check

Test and coverage:

make tests

Generate Sphinx docs:

cd docs
make html
make latexpdf

The output will be written to docs/_build/html/.

Generate API docs:

hathor-cli generate_openapi_json
redoc-cli bundle hathor/cli/openapi_files/openapi.json --output index.html