
ForeignKey search forms for the django admin

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This django app closes a gap I found several times on handling foreign keys in the admin. There is a bunch of approaches how to select foreign keys comfortably, the best one might be django-ajax-selects, which provides a very good and customizable autocompletion function. It has its limitations, though, since it's not possible to do complex queries with an autocompletion function.

So this app's purpose is to offer a complete search form, which basically contains a ModelForm of the related field's model and some ajax stuff.

When a related field selection looks like this before:


this it how it looks after, in a simple version:


NOTE: This is a first draft of the app, and my first app on github ever, so use with care. Please note the attached MIT-LICENSE.


First, add the application to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Then adjust your project's urls.py (for ajax calls):

urlpatterns = patterns('',
  (r'^foreignkeysearch/', include('foreignkeysearch.urls')),


Inspired by django-ajax-selects, you may now write handlers. The basic process of adding foreign key search forms is:

  1. Write a handler that takes care of searching for related records, displaying the result list and things like that
  2. Change the widget of the desired field in the models' ModelForm
  • you're done!


The easiest implementation of a handlers looks like this:

from foreignkeysearch.handler import BaseHandler

class MyModelSearchHandler(BaseHandler):
    model = MyModel

and in admin.py:

class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
        field = super(MyAdmin, self).formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs)
        if db_field.name == 'myrelatedfield':
            field.widget = ForeignKeySearchForm(
        return field

Everything should be fine. Since we did not define anything but the model in the handler (please note that the model is mandatory), it falls back to defaults:

  • All fields are shown in the search form
  • All fields are searched via __icontains
  • The field's __unicode__() or __repr__()-methods are used to display the results and the selected item

You can overwrite all this stuff, of course.


A more complete example:

First, we add a "handlers.py" to an app directory of a model which shall be used as a related model. The model targets images, and therefore contains copyrights notes etc., which we want to search later. Our handler looks like this:

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.db.models import Q
from foreignkeysearch.handler import BaseHandler
from images.models import Image

class ImageSearchHandler(BaseHandler):
    # The model we connect this handler to
    model = Image
    # Exclude these fields from the search form, since we don't want to search for
    #  width, height, the filename and things like this.
    # We could add support for "images with width greater than x" later, however.
    exclude = (
        'width','height', 'filename_original', 'url_source', 'source',

    # We overwrite the handler's search function here, because the image model contains tags,
    # and we have to construct a query for them manually.
    # At this place, you can define the search routine yourself
    def search(self, params):
        q = Q()
        if params['title']:
            q = q & Q(title__icontains=params['title'])
        if params['description']:
            q = q & Q(description__icontains=params['description'])
        if params['tags']:
            q = q & Q(tags__name__in=[t.strip() for t in params['tags'].split(',')])
        return Image.objects.filter(q)

    # Every item in the result list shall look like this.
    # Please note the [link]...[/link] pseudo-tags: The text/code within them will
    # be replaced with the appropriate link that sets the foreign key later.
    # It could be e.g.: 
    # return '[link]%s[/link]</div>' % obj
    def item(self, obj):
        return mark_safe('<div style="display:block;width:100%%;clear:both;">[link]<div style="float:left;margin-right:8px;">%(image_preview)s</div>%(title)s[/link]<br /></div>' % ({
            'title': obj,
            'image_preview': obj.preview(),

    # This is the representation of the selected item. It is the visible
    # replacement for django's foreignkey-widget.
    def selected_item(self, obj):
        return mark_safe('%(title)s<br />%(image_preview)s' % ({
            'title': obj,
            'image_preview': obj.preview(),

The initialization in the admin.py is the same as in example 1.


The app is in early stage, but works fine for now. I know that tests are missing, they will follow. Don't hesitate to add feature requests and bug reports in the issues.