#Azure Files
Azure Blobs tool to remove older files, useful when use with backups tah will be remove after n days
To use adjust your requirements for this example:
php app.php delete \
--connectionString 'AccountName=YourAccoutNameHere;AccountKey=YourAccountKey' \
--containerName 'backup' \
--olderThan '30 days ago'
With docker:
docker run -it --rm oesteve/azure-files delete \
--connectionString 'AccountName=YourAccoutNameHere;AccountKey=YourAccountKey' \
--containerName 'backup' \
--olderThan '30 days ago'
There is a full list of available actions:
php app.php list
To show al available options use --help
php app.php delete --help
To show al available options use --help
php app.php upload --help