L4D1 Competitive enhancement, bug/glitch fixes, general purpose and freaky-fun plugins.
- framework: following L4D2-Competitive-Framework and Sir-L4D2-Competitive-Rework I provide L4D1 version.
- modify: raziEiL/l4d competitive plugins and raziEiL/rotoblin2 I improve better.
- fun: some new plugins are just for fun.
- More: click here for more plugins, apply to both L4D1/2
last edited:2019/12/10
- Clean Servers:
- A clean L4D1 Dedicated Server
- Requirements:
- Windows Server files or Linux Server files(depending on the operating system of your server), this contains Sourcemod, Metamod, Stripper, Left 4 Downtown, Tickrate, and other extensions
- l4d2_ai_damagefix: Makes AI SI take (and do) damage like human SI.
- l4d2_blind_infected: Hides all weapons and iteams from the infected team or dead survivor until they are (possibly) visible to one of the alive survivors to prevent SI scouting the map
- l4d2_si_ffblock: Disables friendly fire between infected players.
- l4d2_witch_crown_fix: Fixes the Witch not dying from a perfectly aligned shotgun blast due to the random nature of the pellet spread
- l4d2_witch_restore: Witch is restored at the same spot if she gets killed by a Tank
- l4d2_nobackjumps: Prevents players from using the wallkicking trick
- l4d2_spec_stays_spec: Spectator will stay as spectators on mapchange.
- l4d_panic_notify: Show who triggers the panic horde
- l4d_tank_count: Show how long is tank alive, and tank punch/rock/car statistics after tank dead
- l4d_vesus_nerf_huntingrifle: Make a nerf huntingrifle
- l4d_tank_props: Stop tank props from fading + Show Hittable Glow for inf team whilst the tank is alive (Fixed car disappear)
- l4d_tankpunchstuckfix: Fixes the problem where tank-punches get a survivor stuck in the roof
- 1vHunters: Hunter pounce survivors and die ,set hunter scratch damage, no getup animation
- hunter_growl_sound_fix: Fix silence Hunter produces growl sound when player MIC on
- huntercrouchsound: Forces silent but crouched hunters to emitt sounds
- l4d_jukebox_spawner: Auto-spawn jukeboxes on all value maps when round start.
- l4d_pig_infected_notify: Show who the god teammate boom the Tank, Tank use which weapon(car,pounch,rock) to kill teammates S.I. and Witch , player open door to stun tank (l4d 豬隊友提示)
- l4d_storm: Control L4d1 skybox/sun color/snow/rain/wind/maplight...and etc
- sm_l4d_mapchanger: When final stage round ends, auto change next Map based on date/...txt
- l4dinfectedbots: control and spawn Infected bots, works in l4d1 versus
- match_vote: type !match/!load/!mode to vote a new mode
- l4d_drop_secondary: Survivor players will drop their secondary weapon when they die
- l4d_bw_rock_hit: Stops rocks from passing through soon-to-be-dead Survivors
- checkpoint-rage-control: Enable tank to lose rage while survivors are in saferoom
- l4d_stumble_block_button: Blocks all button presses during stumbles
- l4d_bash_kills: Stop special infected getting bashed to death, except boomer
- l4d_tank_shove_slowdown_fix: Stops Shoves slowing the Tank Down
- l4d_si_slowdown: Removes the slow down from special infected
- l4d_godframes_and_hittable_control: Control survivors godframes + Allows for customisation of hittable damage values.
- l4d_tank_hittable_refill: Refill Tank's frustration whenever a hittable hits a Survivor
- nodeathcamskip: Blocks players skipping their death cam
- l4d_versus_despawn_health: Gives Special Infected health back when they despawn.
- l4d_smg_pumpshotgun_ammo_set: custom SMG/PUMPSHOTGUN ammo capacity.
- l4d_tank_control: Forces each player to play the tank at least once before Map change.
- fix_ghostsound: Mute some SI sounds for Survivors.
- kills: Statistics of infected kills/common kills/ff/capped for survivors
- l4d_tankhud: Show tank hud for spectators and show tank frustration for inf team
- l4dcompstats: Basic competitive stat tracking on a per map basis + MVP
- l4d_passing_Tank_no_instant_respawn: Passing control to AI tank will no longer be rewarded with an instant respawn
- l4d_no_hunter_deadstops: support L4D1 command "versus_shove_hunter_fov_pouncing" to get no deadstops work
- 1v1: A plugin designed to support 1v1.
- l4d_versus_GhostWarp: Allows infected to warp to survivors based on their flow (MOUSE2 or use command)
- lerptracker: Keep track of players' lerp settings
- ratemonitor: Keep track of players' netsettings
- temphealthfix: Ensures that survivors that have been incapacitated with a hittable object get their temp health set correctly
- fix_specbotkick: Fixed no Survivor bots issue. Fix more Survivor bots issue.
- l4d_tank_witch_damage_announce_spawnAnnouncer: Bosses dealt damage announcer + Announce in chat and via a sound when a Tank/Witch has spawned
- l4d_tank_attack_control: Tank pounch and rock control variation
- l4d_team_unscramble: forces all players on the right team after map/campaign/match change
- l4d_versus_same_UnprohibitBosses: Force Enable bosses spawning on all maps, and same spawn positions for both team
- l4d_stuckzombiemeleefix: Smash nonstaggering Zombies
- l4d_pounceprotect: Prevent damage from blocking a hunter's ability to pounce
- caster_assister: Allows spectators to control their own specspeed and move vertically
- pill_passer: Lets players pass pills with +reload when they are holding one of those items
- pounce_maxdamage: Makes it easy to properly uncap hunter pounces
- pounceannounce: Announces hunter pounces to the entire server
- tankdoorfix: This should at some point fix the case in which the tank misses the door he's supposed to destroy by using his punch
- l4d_ledge_HealthExpolitFixes: Plugin fixes 3 health expolit caused when survivor hanging on a ledge and after it
- l4d_NoEscapeTank: No Tank Spawn as the rescue vehicle is coming
- TickrateFixes: Fixes a handful of silly Tickrate bugs
- fix_engine: Blocking ladder speed glitch, no fall damage bug, health boost glitch.
- botpopstop: Removes pills from bots if they try to use them and restores them when a human takes over.
- l4d_PillsHere: Gives pills to survivors who doesn't have pill
- l4d_multiwitch: A plugin that spawns unlimited witches off of a timer. Sets glows on witches when survivors are far away
- l4d_NoRescueFirstTank: Final Stage except for 'The Sacrifice', No First Tank Spawn as the final rescue start and second tank spawn same position for both team
- si_class_announce: Report what SI classes are up when the round starts.
- l4d_boss_percent: Announce boss flow percents!
- l4d_current_survivor_progress: Print survivor progress in flow percents
- l4d_thirdpersonshoulderblock: Spectates clients who enable the thirdpersonshoulder mode on L4D1/2 to prevent them from looking around corners, through walls etc.
- l4d_versus_specListener3.0: Allows spectator listen others team voice for l4d
- l4d_texture_manager_block: Kicks out clients who are potentially attempting to enable mathack
- AI_HardSI: Improves the AI behaviour of special infected
- finalefix: Kills survivors before the score is calculated so they don't get full distance and health bonus if they are incapped as the rescue vehicle leaves.
- l4d_slot_vote: Allow players to change server slots by using vote.
- hunter_callout_blocker: Stops Survivors from saying 'Hunter!' (sometimets survivors didn't see the silence hunter but their mouth keep saying 'Hunter!')
- l4d_ladderblock: Prevents people from blocking players who climb on the ladder.
- l4d_teamshuffle: Allows teamshuffles by voting or admin-forced.
- l4d_Modo_mix_mm: Left 4 Dead Mix
- l4d_tankswap: Allows a primary Tank Player to surrender control to one of his teammates
- l4d_vomit_pounce_fix: Fixed that player whom hunter pounces on will not be biled by a boomer
- AntiBreach: Disallows special infected from breaching into safe room by preventing them from spawning nearby the safe room door.
- l4d1_witch_allow_in_safezone: Allows witches to chase victims into safezones.
- l4d_finalspawndistance: Reduces the SI spawning range on finales to normal spawning range
- l4d_weapon_csgo_reload: Quickswitch Reloading like CS:GO in L4D
- gametype_description: Change Game type in server list
- l4d_hats: Attaches specified models to players above their head.
- SpeakingList: Voice Announce. Print To Center Message who Speaking.
- l4d_witchglow: Set glow on witch for infected and spectator + fixed being pushing away by common infected!
- [L4D] Rock Glow: tank rock glow for spectator and infected
- l4d_rock_lagcomp: Provides lag compensation for tank rock entities
- sourcemod 1.63: most of source codes
- sourcemod 1.9: few source codes need new compiler
- Rotoblin-AZMod: A Competitive L4D1 Versus Configuration
- L4D2-Plugins
- L4D1-Server4Dead: Setup your own L4D1 Servers.