This is a starterpack which includes ReactJs, tRPC, Prisma, NextJs, Next-Auth, Next-SEO & TailwindCSS.

Stacked Image


  • Please install Yarn as the package manager.
  • Make sure you have these following Environtment variables set: (in local development they will be preset during installation)
    • NEXTAUTH_SECRET Can be made via the command openssl rand -base64 32 (generates a random base64 string with the length of 32 characters)

Local development

  • Make sure Docker and Docker-Compose is installed.
  • Make sure you have these following Environtment variables set: (in local development they will be preset during installation)

How to use the template?

  • Locally
    1. Click the Use this template button, create a repository with it.
    2. Clone the repository, and run the command yarn.
    3. Setup tRPC routes on the src/server/routers/merge.ts file.
  • Via Vercel (creates repository as well) Deploy with Vercel While setting up the Environment Variables, please set the SKIP_DOCKER environment variable to SKIP_DOCKER=1. (This ensures that the setup on Vercel is working via external DATABASE_URL)

Disclaimer: The Mouse Icon belongs to Phosphor Icon (MIT). The Vercel Icon is from their Brand Icon Set.