examples for the data vis class I'm teaching at parsons.
the first 4 examples are OF ports from Ben Fry's excellent book, "Visualizing Data"
- timePlot1_fromBenFry
- timePlot2_fromBenFry
- timePlot3_fromBenFry
- timePlot4_fromBenFry
**Note: they are slightly rewritten from the P5 code from the book (there's no floatTable class, it's a done with STL vectors, etc) but the core concepts are the same. **
there's two examples from Todd Vanderlin:
regularExpressionsExample (which shows how to use PCRE / Poco regular expressions) and a sortingExample
top100Sites shows scraping via CURL, and doing simple text analysis on the html to count the number of links and images in the top 100 websites.