
Easy to use 2D Engine for Android.

Primary LanguageJava

catengine 😼

catengine is a powerful & easy to use engine for android.
It encapsulates the functions commonly used in 2D-game development,
like gravity, sprites, touch functions, music, animations ...

features 💪

  • create fast&easy 2D games/apps
    • animation/movement/rotation etc of images 🕹️
    • automatic scaling for every resolution 📱
    • music & sound support 🔊
    • multiple screens support (e.g. intro-, menu-, game-, optionsscreen)
  • completly customizable 🔧

guide 📖

  1. Download the engine folder.
  2. Import the folder into your app project (@src).
  3. Fix the imports depending on your app/package name.
  4. Code your screens.
  5. Create GameStart.java to load your screens.
  6. Your app now runs catengine!

example 👀

Take a look at the example! You can run it on your android phone! ✌️
Just download the ExampleApp, import it into your Android Studio, plug in your phone and press play!

This game was made with catengine too:

future updates 🔜

  • add automatic positions (screen independent) ✅
  • add automatic gravity functions ✅
  • better touch functions ✅
  • savings support ✅
  • add IDE documentation support ⚒️

It is possible to test out some new features that aren't public yet, check out the develop-branche!