
ROS package for factor graph distributed data fusion on the Jackals

Primary LanguagePython



Running an Experiment

Follow the following steps to run a fgddf_ros experiment. Each number should be executed on a separate, new terminal. In all of the following steps, XXX denotes the IP address of the master computer and YYY denotes the IP address of the robot

  1. On master computer:
    source <ros_path>/setup.bash
    source ./network.sh XXX XXX
  2. On master computer:
    source <ros_path>/setup.bash
    source ./network.sh XXX XXX
    roslaunch vrpn_client_ros sample.launch server:=
  3. On master computer:
    source <ros_path>/setup.bash
    source ./network.sh XXX XXX
    rosrun fgddf_ros boss.py
  4. On master computer:
    source <ros_path>/setup.bash
    source ./network.sh XXX XXX
    rosbag record /truth_data /results /measurements
  5. On EACH robot:
    source ./network.sh XXX YYY
    ./startup.sh aspen
  6. On EACH robot:
    source ./network.sh XXX YYY
    rosrun fgddf_ros main.py