
Crawls Unity Scripting Reference

Primary LanguagePython

Unity Scripting Crawler

Crawls Unity Scripting Reference to index class variables and functions. In this version of the crawler the reference is read locally from a Unity installation.

This data is used for the generation of Unity Completions and Unity Completions Light, two plugins for Sublime Text which provides auto-completion.

The output file unity.pkl is included for convenience.

Output Format

Output file is a pickle with the following hierarchy:

  • Dictionary by section (e.g., "Runtime Classes", "Runtime Attributes")
    • Dictionary by class name
      • Dictionary by class member name
        • List of definitions (for functions) or None (for variables).
          Function definition is a dictionary with the following keys:
          1. "template" - Template postfix if relevant (e.g. ".") or None
          • "params" - List of function parameters, which are dictionaries with the following keys:
            1. "name" - Name of parameter (could be None)
            • "type" - Type of parameter
            • "default" - Default value or None
          • "returnType" - Return type

Retrieved Sections

[This section is out of date]

The following sections are retrieved:

  • UnityEngine Classes, Interfaces, Attributes and Enumerations
  • UnityEditor Classes, Interfaces, Attributes and Enumerations
  • Other Classes
