The opirl folder contains the code from https://github.com/sff1019/opirl and rl-baselines3-zoo is from https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo. opirl/mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz is from https://mujoco.org/download/mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz.

Make sure to have followed the installation instructions found in both repositories! Should you encounter issues use Docker or verify that the installation, as done in the Dockerfile, works on your system.

The expert trajectories are already generated and found in opirl/experts/sac/swimmer/expert/. To generate them yourself, first download the the model

# from the `rl-baselines3-zoo` folder
python -m rl_zoo3.load_from_hub --algo sac --env Swimmer-v3 -orga sb3 -f logs/

Then run

python generate_expert_trajectories.py

from the same directory. This will create 16 trajectories in opirl/experts/sac/swimmer/expert/.

For Docker run the following commands inside the opirl folder

docker build -t opirl .
docker run -v "/path/to/results/on/local/machine:/app/results" -it --rm opirl --algo opirl --normalize_states --use_bc_reg --learn_alpha --seed 1 --max_timesteps 1000000 --env_name Swimmer-v2 --expert_path_dir /app/experts/sac/swimmer/expert --save_dir results/opirl/swimmer

Be sure to update the /path/to/results/on/local/machine to where ever you want the results to be written to (absolute path!). Run with different seeds to test robustness.

Without docker use

python -u run_opirl.py --algo opirl --normalize_states --use_bc_reg --learn_alpha --seed 1 --max_timesteps 1000000 --env_name Swimmer-v2 --expert_path_dir experts/sac/swimmer/expert --save_dir results/opirl/swimmer

from the opirl directory. Alternatively, use the script in opirl/scripts.

The results are found in the results directory. Most interesting is the eval.csv file which contains the policy evaluations during regular intervals of the training.

Plot the results using plot.py. Update the path to the results first, if necessary. Requires pip install seaborn pandas.