- 6
Small todos from the next dev cycle
#5567 opened by vondele - 2
Use of bad TTData in search() when ttHit is false
#5503 opened by mstembera - 4
PGO build run time error
#5528 opened by abdulbadii - 21
Stockfish 17 compile warning: default_8778923807362599951_0.profraw: raw profile version mismatch: Profile uses raw profile format version = 9; expected version = 8
#5587 opened by Chess321 - 13
- 5
[TODO] Provide Windows on ARM binaries
#5640 opened by gcp - 5 (stockfish buildbot) HTTPS certificate is outdated
#5616 opened by ofry - 6
Mate finding issue
#5504 opened by mstembera - 15
- 4
Statically link to libstdc++ helps many users on various linux distributions.
#5596 opened by ruffianeo - 0
expect not properly spawning Stockfish in github actions.
#5185 opened by vondele - 8
Suggestion to Adjust GCC Workarounds in network.cpp for Newer Compiler Versions
#5597 opened by Xenotropy - 5
Not able to do offline build of stockfish
#5593 opened by Zlopez - 7
- 1
Issue with ChessDB
#5588 opened by Bratish971 - 15
Can't compiling dev version
#5581 opened by mymoso - 1
GitHub CI cannot access files outside /src
#5564 opened by MinetaS - 27
Fix output for GUI #5460 needs change
#5525 opened by Jouni-2024 - 8
Unbelievable position and engine analysis issues
#5573 opened by joycooer - 10
Windows: SF17 doesn't use all cores when run in Chessbase GUI when there is more than 1 prcessor group / logical cores are > 64
#5572 opened by Rechenschieber - 13
NUMA problem on 128 cores
#5551 opened by Rechenschieber - 8
Compiling StockFish using arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-g++ compilers?
#5330 opened by unebonnevie - 2
Syzygy 5 men missed wins
#5533 opened by PavelChess - 8
Suboptimal speed on multi-socket / numa systems
#5253 opened by vondele - 7
- 0
Stockfish 16.1 beaten, etc.
#5519 opened by RictorLNelson - 1
MultiPV and TB PV extension
#5505 opened by vondele - 2
Empty strings in UCI parameters
#5473 opened by vondele - 1
- 9
Automatically replace "maximmasiutin" to "Maxim Masiutin" in the Top CPU Contributors.txt
#5438 opened by maximmasiutin - 22
Winning evaluation with tablebases in cursed win
#5175 opened by dav1312 - 1
- 37
Crash with Chesspartner
#5393 opened by samerhello - 4
SF compiled under Win10 by mingw64 doesn't install and doesnt work at Fritz 9
#5396 opened by PavelChess - 14
Stockfish needlessly hangs the queen
#5174 opened by robertnurnberg - 4
Extra "info string" printed?
#5386 opened by PikaCat-OuO - 9
Bench inconsistency
#5376 opened by PikaCat-OuO - 14
TranspositionTable::resize slow
#5350 opened by jdp1024 - 1
Maybe? Perft NPS report issue.
#5351 opened by PikaCat-OuO - 20
Incorrect concurrency on multi-CPU systems
#5307 opened by jdp1024 - 3
Abrok Windows buildbot has broken since a169c78b6d3b082068deb49a39aaa1fd75464c7f
#5320 opened by ofry - 3
- 2
Castling doesn't work in non-standard positions (Stockfish macOS application)
#5294 opened by prawnydagrate - 0
- 1
Disappointed with the project
#5222 opened - 2
Faulty analysis - too big change of position value
#5208 opened by hpojak - 0
- 28
Again about the benchmark
#5157 opened by amchess - 1
issue when running the .exe of version 16.1 on Windows.
#5179 opened by 420Avila - 1
wrong mated in scores
#5166 opened by vondele