Terraform Sentinel Demo

This is a demo of HashiCorp Terraform's Enterprise feature set, including:

  • Sentinel Policy Enforcement
  • VCS Integration
  • Cloud Cost Controls

This demo can be run in Terraform Cloud (Team & Governance, Business editions) as well as Terraform Enterprise (self-hosted).


  • A TFC/E account & organization. Sign up for a free trial of TFC here
  • Cloud provider credentials to provision resources (only AWS supported at the moment)
  • Terraform CLI installed locally


  1. Fork this repository to a GitHub Organizations account (Free for 1 user/org)

  2. Set your TFC/E organization name in demo-terraform-sentinel/aws/backend.tf & commit your changes.

  3. Connect Terraform To GitHub

  4. Select the newly-forked repository

  5. Configure AWS credentials on a per-workspace basis (if using dynamic credentials) or using a Variable Set and applying to the new workspace (static credentials)

  6. Connect the policies to Terraform via Policy Sets

    • to enforce all policies, point to sentinel.hcl in the root CSP directory
      • Example: sentinel-policies/aws/sentinel.hcl
    • to enforce individual policies, point to sentinel.hcl within the specific policy subdirectory
      • Example: sentinel-policies/aws/enforce-cost-contro/sentinel.hcl


By default, the following Sentinel policies are being evaluated:

  • ec2_instance type is t2.micro, t2.small, or t2.medium (Hard Mandatory)
  • Cost Control must be less than $10/month (Soft Mandatory)

To trigger a policy check failure, leave the configurations as-is and start the plan:

CLI-driven Run Method

Initialize the configuration:

terraform init

Create the execution plan:

terraform plan


terraform plan --var-file=variables.tfvars

You should see a failure for both policies in the output. To pass, simply change the instance type to one of the allowed instances, and re-execute the plan.

You'll get a warning for the cost control policy but the plan will still be allowed to execute.