
This is a twitter bot written in nodejs and developer can start using this script for projects like data mining as a raw boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter Bot

This is a twitter bot written in nodejs and developer can start using this script for projects like data mining as a raw bolierplate

  1. Twitter may make changes to api level, so this script might not work at some point. If you will face an issues, just raise it in issue section with the all steps taken and where you came across tha particular issue with screenshot(optional).


  1. You must have installed node.js latest version. Otherwise, Go to node.js
  2. You must signed up for twitter developer and have generated access tokens, secret etc.


  1. Go to root folder
  2. Run npm install,
  3. Create a file with path config/config.env,
  4. Add following text CK=consumer_key, CS=consumer_secret, AT=access_token, && ATS=access_token_secret and save the file,
  5. Launch the node app npm run start
  6. Start mining :)