Tool to automate common OSINT tasks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tool to automate common osint tasks. Probably best run on Kali, but tested on Debian 8.


In your path:

whois, host, git, theHarvester(https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester), pyFoca(https://github.com/altjx/ipwn)

python modules:

python-docx, shodan, google

other files:

A hashcat style pot file(hash:plain), and whatever open source dumps you already have in format user:hash


$ git clone https://github.com/bharshbarger/AutOSINT.git

(if missing modules:)


$ pip install shodan


$ pip install google


$ pip install python-docx


usage: AutOSINT.py [-h] [-a] [-b] [-C CLIENT] [-c] [-d foo.com] [-f]
                   [-g password id_rsa [password id_rsa ...]] [-i IPADDRESS]
                   [-n] [-p password id_rsa [password id_rsa ...]] [-s] [-S]
                   [-t] [-v] [-w]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             run All queries
  -b, --hibp            Search haveibeenpwned.com for breaches related to a
  -C CLIENT, --client CLIENT
                        Supply the client full name, i.e. foo.com would map to
  -c, --creds           Search local copies of credential dumps
  -d foo.com, --domain foo.com
                        the Domain you want to search.
  -f, --foca            invoke pyfoca
  -g password id_rsa [password id_rsa ...], --googledork password id_rsa [password id_rsa ...]
                        query Google for supplied args that are treated as a
                        dork. i.e. -g password becomes a search for "password
                        site:<domain>". Combine terms inside of quotes like
                        "site:rapid7.com inurl:aspx"
  -i IPADDRESS, --ipaddress IPADDRESS
                        the IP address you want to search. Must be a valid IP.
  -n, --nslookup        Name query DNS for supplied -d or -i values. Requires
                        a -d or -i value
  -p password id_rsa [password id_rsa ...], --pastebinsearch password id_rsa [password id_rsa ...]
                        Search google for <arg> site:pastebin.com. Requires a
                        pro account if you dont want to get blacklisted.
  -s, --shodan          query Shodan, API keys stored in ./api_keys/
  -S, --scraper         Scrape pastebin, github, indeed, more to be added. API
                        keys stored in ./api_keys/
  -t, --theharvester    Invoke theHarvester
  -v, --verbose         Verbose
  -w, --whois           query Whois for supplied -d or -i values. Requires a
                        -d or -i value