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Pix2NeRF: Unsupervised Conditional π-GAN for Single Image to Neural Radiance Fields Translation (CVPR 2022)

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Pix2NeRF: Unsupervised Conditional π-GAN for Single Image to Neural Radiance Fields Translation
Shengqu Cai, Anton Obukhov, Dengxin Dai, Luc Van Gool

Abstract: We propose a pipeline to generate Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) of an object or a scene of a specific class, conditioned on a single input image. This is a challenging task, as training NeRF requires multiple views of the same scene, coupled with corresponding poses, which are hard to obtain. Our method is based on π-GAN, a generative model for unconditional 3D-aware image synthesis, which maps random latent codes to radiance fields of a class of objects. We jointly optimize (1) the π-GAN objective to utilize its high-fidelity 3D-aware generation and (2) a carefully designed reconstruction objective. The latter includes an encoder coupled with π-GAN generator to form an auto-encoder. Unlike previous few-shot NeRF approaches, our pipeline is unsupervised, capable of being trained with independent images without 3D, multi-view, or pose supervision. Applications of our pipeline include 3d avatar generation, object-centric novel view synthesis with a single input image, and 3d-aware super-resolution, to name a few.



We use pytorch 1.7.0 with CUDA 10.1. To build the environment, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download and pre-process datasets

For CelebA, download from https://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/CelebA.html and extract the img_align_celeba split.

For Carla, download from https://github.com/autonomousvision/graf.

For ShapeNet-SRN, download from https://github.com/sxyu/pixel-nerf and remove the additional layer, so that there are 3 folders chairs_train, chairs_val and chairs_test within srn_chairs. Instances should be directly within these three folders.

Copy img_csv/CelebA_pos.csv to /PATH_TO/img_align_celeba/.

Copy srn_chairs_train.csv, srn_chairs_train_filted.csv, srn_chairs_val.csv, srn_chairs_val_filted.csv, srn_chairs_test.csv and srn_chairs_test_filted.csv under /PATH_TO/srn_chairs.


Render novel views of the given image:

python render_video_from_img.py --path=/PATH_TO/checkpoint_train.pth --output_dir=/PATH_TO_WRITE_TO/ --img_path=/PATH_TO_IMAGE/ --curriculum="celeba" or "carla" or "srnchairs"

Render videos and create gifs for the three datasets:


python render_video_from_dataset.py --path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --curriculum "celeba" --dataset_path "/PATH/TO/img_align_celeba/" --trajectory "front"


python render_video_from_dataset.py --path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --curriculum "carla" --dataset_path "/PATH/TO/carla/*.png" --trajectory "orbit"


python render_video_from_dataset.py --path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --curriculum "srnchairs" --dataset_path "/PATH/TO/srn_chairs/" --trajectory "orbit"

Linear interpolation

Render images and a video interpolating between 2 images.

python linear_interpolation --path=/PATH_TO/checkpoint_train.pth --output_dir=/PATH_TO_WRITE_TO/

Hybrid Optimization

Since our model is feed-forward and uses a reletively latent codes, it most likely will not perform that well on yourself/very familiar faces, since the details may not be fully captured by a single pass. Therefore, we provide a script performing hybrid optimization: predict a latent code using our model, then perform latent optimization as introduced in pi-GAN. The command to use is:

python --path PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --curriculum ["celeba" or "carla" or "srnchairs"] --img_path /PATH_TO_IMAGE_TO_OPTIMIZE/

Pretrained model

We provide pretrained model checkpoint files for the three datasets. Download from https://www.dropbox.com/s/lcko0wl8rs4k5qq/pretrained_models.zip?dl=0 and unzip to use.


  title={Pix2NeRF: Unsupervised Conditional p-GAN for Single Image to Neural Radiance Fields Translation},
  author={Cai, Shengqu and Obukhov, Anton and Dai, Dengxin and Van Gool, Luc},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


The code repo is built upon https://github.com/marcoamonteiro/pi-GAN. We thank the authors for releasing the code and provide support throughout the development of this project.