Create HS256 and RS256 Token with PHP
To use the HS256 Token firstly we must create private key and certificate. You can follow the following steps
to create them. I put private key and certificate under the "certificates" folder. Because this JWT class get private key and certificate content under the "certificates" folder.
- Create private key the following command.
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
- Create certificate the following command.
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private.key -out certificate.crt
How to add JWT class at own project
include_once 'JWTToken.php';
How to create RS256 Token with class
//if you RS256 Token then you must use token header.
$token_header = [
"alg" => "RS256",
"typ" => "JWT"
//if you RS256 Token then you must use token payload.
$token_payload = [
"aud" => "",
"iss" => "",
"sub" => "",
$jwt = new JWTToken();
$jwt->token_payload = $token_payload;
$jwt->token_header = $token_header;
## Create RS256 token
echo $jwt->getJWTToken();
How to verify JWT Token with class at server side
## If you want to verify the token which created at previous step
How to add JWT class at own project
include_once 'JWTToken.php';
How to create RS256 Token with class
//if you HS256 Token then you must use token header.
$token_header = array(
"alg" => "HS256",
"typ" => "JWT"
//if you HS256 Token then you must use token payload.
$token_payload = [
"name" => "omer faruk",
"surname" => "__",
"city" => "istanbul",
"province" => "marmara"
$jwt = new JWTToken();
$jwt->token_payload = $token_payload;
$jwt->token_header = $token_header;
$jwt->secret_key = "1213149842934783947393483973232";
$jwt->token_function = "createHS256Token";
echo $jwt->getJWTToken();