Create HS256 and RS256 Token with PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


Create HS256 and RS256 Token with PHP

Create RS256 Token at client side and verify at server side


To use the HS256 Token firstly we must create private key and certificate. You can follow the following steps to create them. I put private key and certificate under the "certificates" folder. Because this JWT class get private key and certificate content under the "certificates" folder.

  • Create private key the following command.
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
  • Create certificate the following command.
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private.key -out certificate.crt

How to add JWT class at own project

include_once 'JWTToken.php';

How to create RS256 Token with class

//if you RS256 Token then you must use token header.
$token_header = [
    "alg" => "RS256",
    "typ" => "JWT"

//if you RS256 Token then you must use token payload.
$token_payload = [
    "aud" => "https://okesmez.com",
    "iss" => "https://okesmez.com/b9cefc6e9de1",
    "sub" => "https://okesmez.com/b9cefc6e9de1",

$jwt = new JWTToken();

$jwt->token_payload = $token_payload;
$jwt->token_header  = $token_header;
## Create RS256 token
echo $jwt->getJWTToken();

How to verify JWT Token with class at server side

## If you want to verify the token which created at previous step

Create HS256 Token at client side

How to add JWT class at own project

include_once 'JWTToken.php';

How to create RS256 Token with class

//if you HS256 Token then you must use token header.
$token_header = array(
    "alg" => "HS256",
    "typ" => "JWT"

//if you HS256 Token then you must use token payload.
$token_payload = [
    "name" => "omer faruk",
    "surname" => "__",
    "city" => "istanbul",
    "province" => "marmara"
$jwt = new JWTToken();

$jwt->token_payload = $token_payload;
$jwt->token_header = $token_header;
$jwt->secret_key = "1213149842934783947393483973232";
$jwt->token_function = "createHS256Token";
echo $jwt->getJWTToken();