
You want to create a Vue CLI project and add Buefy and PurgeCSS? Here you have some shell script.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


You want to create a Vue CLI project and add Buefy and PurgeCSS? Here you have some shell script.


NodeJS, npm and Vue CLI have to be installed. Preferably in the latest versions.

Here's how it works:

In the data folder you will find some preconfigured files. _custom.scss will be the buefy override file. It will be copied to a global folder and inserted into your project. the main.ts has all the imports needed to start with buefy. postcss.config.js is customized for PurgeCSS. The vue.config.js file extends webpack and adds buefy and your _custom.scss as global stylesheets to your project.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Clone or download that project.
  2. Start create-view-cli-project.sh
  3. When the cli asks you for a project (folder) name, give it one (without spaces!).
  4. Hope that the script runs through.

What else you should know:

This thing of a script might be buggy! Use at own risk!