
A simple theme for Emulation Station and RetroPie made to resemble a streaming service

MIT LicenseMIT

RetroPlus RetroPlus

License: MIT

A simple theme for Emulation Station and RetroPie made to resemble a streaming service.



TODO: add previews


  • System, basic, detailed and video views are supported.
  • Support for new "All Games", "Favorites", "Last Played" and "Custom Collections" features in latest version of EmulationStation.
  • Displays rating, description, # of players, genre, publish date & last played metadata on detailed and video views



We accept fixes and features! Here are some resources to help you get started on how to contribute code or new content.

Images notice!

The used logos, images and trademarks are copyright of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2021, Of Pine Wood. Created by Peter van den Hout. Released under the terms of the MIT license.