User Stories: As a User So that I can see the links that are available I want to see the list of links displayed

As a user So that I can save links I like I want to be able to add new links to the list

As a user So that I can group my links I want to add tags to each link

As a user So that I can search for links related to a specific topic I want to filter my links by their tags

Letter Ruby with DataMapper SQL
Create new row Class.create(column_name: 'string') INSERT INTO "table" (column_name) VALUES ( 'string' );
Read all rows in the table Class.inspect or Class.all SELECT * FROM table
Update one or several columns in rows Class.update(id: 1, column_name: 'string') UPDATE table SET column_name1 = value1 WHERE column_name = value
Delete row class =, class.destory DELETE FROM table WHERE comlumn_name = value