WWV-NFT-Staking with Rarity

Multiple Factor Rewards Staking program for WildWestVerse NFT collections

Install Dependencies

  • Install node and yarn
  • Install ts-node as global command
  • Confirm the solana wallet preparation: /home/fury/.config/solana/id.json in test case


  • Main script source for all functionality is here: /cli/script.ts
  • Program account types are declared here: /cli/types.ts
  • Idl to make the JS binding easy is here: /cli/staking_program.json

Able to test the script functions working in this way.

  • Change commands properly in the main functions of the script.ts file to call the other functions
  • Confirm the ANCHOR_WALLET environment variable of the ts-node script in package.json
  • Run yarn ts-node


As a Smart Contract Owner

For the first time use, the Smart Contract Owner should initialize the Smart Contract for global account allocation.

  • initProject

Recall initialize function for update the Threshold values after change the constants properly

  • initProject

Maintain the Reward token($WWV) vault's balance

  • REWARD_TOKEN_MINT is the reward token mint (for test).
  • rewardVault is the reward token account for owner. The owner should have the token's Mint Authority or should Fund regularly.

This is current test value. Should be revised properly.

  • EPOCH = 60 // A day

  • REWARD_PER_DAY = 100_000_000 // 0.1 $WWV According to the rank of NFTs, there reward amount will be changed automatically following the below logic.


  • 1500-2000 /1$WWV

  • 1000-1499 /1.5$WWV

  • 600-999 /2$WWV

  • 300-599 /2.5$WWV

  • 200-299 /3$WWV

  • 51-199 /4$WWV

  • 1-50 /5$WWV

As a NFT Holder

Stake Shred Collection NFTs with NFT mint address and a boolean parameter weather the NFT is Legendary NFT.

  • stakeNft

As a Staker

Unstake their staked NFTs with mint address and get rewards. ( Calculate generated reward by this NFT too )

  • withdrawNft

Claim reward to receive generated $WWV from their staking.

  • claimReward