
A simulated online casino with single and multi-player functionality. You can simulate money by "depositing" funds from either a fake bank account or crypto wallet. Have fun!

Primary LanguagePython

Online Casino

This was a group project that was completed in one of my classes. The team consisted of University of Maryland students: Thomas, Jordan, Johnny, Andrew, and Roshen. (last names were omitted for consideration of members)

Installation and Testing

To play Online Casino, please visit our website here. If you want to play around with the website, you can create an account or login using user and pass for the username and password respectively.

If you would like to run the project locally then clone the repository, install the requirements, run python manage.py runserver in the base directory and head to in your browser.

To run the project tests, clone the repository, install the requirements and run python manage.py test in the base directory


Online Casino is a website where you can use your real money to gamble online. Whether it's blackjack, craps, roulette, or other casino games, you can play the games right from the comfort of your own room. A variety of single and multiplayer games are available.


Creating an Account/Logging In

To begin, refer to our Installation section above on how to visit our website. Begin by creating an account with us by clicking on the Sign Up button. Enter your email and create a username and password for your login. If you've visited us before and already have an account with us, you can log in to your account with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, head to the login page and follow the steps after clicking Reset Password to regain access to your account.

Account Management

Once we've authenticated your password, you can view your current account balance and total earnings from games, and add funds into your account via a cryptocurrency wallet and/or a bank account. If you would like to cash out, you have the option to withdraw your money from your account with us back to your bank account.

Playing Games

Under the Games menu at the top, you'll find the option of choosing between any of our 5 games. Poker, Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, and Slots are the available games. Tutorials for how to play will be available in a later version.

When you've selected a game, you will be greeted with a list of ongoing sessions, if there are any. Each session will list the number of players currently playing the game. Clicking on a session will allow you to join it. You can also create a new session using the Create a new session button. Once you enter or create a session, you will be able to play the game!

File Structure

├── accounts/  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  Files for users and accounts
│   ├── forms.py              Django forms to create HTML forms
│   ├── models.py             Models (database definitions)
│   ├── templates/            HTML templates for accounts
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── tests.py
│   ├── tests_features.py
│   ├── urls.py               URL Routing for accounts pages
│   └── views.py              Handling of web requests
├── docs/  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃   Developer documentation
├── games/  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  Files for each of the games 
│   ├── blackjack/            Files for Blackjack
│   │   ├── game/               Python files that control game logic
│   │   ├── templates/          HTML templates for Blackjack 
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── web/                Files facilitating communication between frontend and backend
│   │       ├── consumers.py      Contains updater and consumer classes
│   │       └── tests.py
│   ├── craps/                Files for Craps (all games have same structure as above)
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── poker/                Files for Poker
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── roulette/             Files for Roulette
│   │   ├── ...
│   └── slots/                Files for Slots
│       ├── ...
├── menus/  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  Files for the website menus
│   ├── templates/            HTML templates for menus
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── tests.py
│   ├── urls.py               URL Routing for menu pages
│   └── views.py              Handling of web requests
├── OnlineCasino/ ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  Website configuration files
│   ├── settings.py           Website settings
│   └── urls.py               URL Routing for entire website
├── staticfiles/ ⁃  ⁃  ⁃  ⁃   Static files (i.e. JavaScript, image files)
│   ├── ...
├── db.sqlite3                Database
├── manage.py                 Website runner
└── requirements.txt          Project library requirements