Solana Raffler

A Solana raffling program built on Anchor. Deployed at RafXcAJfB3wVzyH7cHuDqyVjYeQ4Qy8RjQEbCPvttK9 on devnet & mainnet


  • Supports all tokens. FT, SFT, NFT - anything that is an SPL token. You can raffle USDC for wSol, whitelist tokens for an NFT - anything.
  • Variable configuration, including a burn setting if you're intending the raffle to be deflationary
  • Supports multiple winners with variable payout setting, ie you're raffling 10 white list tokens at once - you can pay out 2 to 5 winners, or 1 to 10 winners.


  • .env file should have rpc, wallet, mint_cost, and mint_prize. Fund the TST wallet make sure it has the cost tokens