
(WIP) A lightweight wrapper for the NCBI datasets command line tools

Primary LanguageR


This is a very simple wrapper around the NCBI dataset command line tools that just executes a desired command and reads the data into R.

orthologues = datasets('download',"gene gene-id 59272 --ortholog all")
## [1] "data_report"     "dataset_catalog" "protein"         "rna"
# gene ids of the orthologues
orthologues$data_report %>% purrr::map_chr('geneId') %>% head
## [1] "100602708" "101993255" "102205204" "103009000" "104261683" "104334989"
# rna sequences imported as ape objects
## 867 DNA sequences in binary format stored in a list.
## Mean sequence length: 3159.07 
##    Shortest sequence: 1035 
##     Longest sequence: 9940 
## Labels:
## XM_009940668.1 ACE2 [organism=Opisthocomus hoazin] [GeneID=1...
## XM_032561507.1 ace2 [organism=Xiphophorus hellerii] [GeneID=...
## XM_034116723.1 ace2 [organism=Trematomus bernacchii] [GeneID...
## XM_058088754.1 ace2 [organism=Doryrhamphus excisus] [GeneID=...
## XM_061408099.1 ACE2 [organism=Bos javanicus] [GeneID=1332420...
## XM_061408100.1 ACE2 [organism=Bos javanicus] [GeneID=1332420...
## ...
## Base composition:
##     a     c     g     t 
## 0.294 0.212 0.237 0.257 
## (Total: 2.74 Mb)