
This is a set of R script as supporting document for Gaoue (2015) Journal of Applied Ecology (in revision). The script allows users to conduct transient elasticity analysis and compare short versus long-term dynamics and elasticity patterns. This has been applied to data from African Mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) , a tree that is harvested by local people in West Africa for its leaves as source of fodder.

R Script for the elasticity of transient population growth rates.

This is a set of R script as supporting document for Gaoue OG (2015). Transient dynamics reveal the importance of early life survival to the response of a tropical plant to harvest. Journal of Applied Ecology, (in press.).

The script allows users to conduct transient elasticity analysis and compare short- versus long-term dynamics and elasticity patterns. This has been applied to data from African Mahogany (Khaya senegalensis), a tree that is harvested by local people in West Africa for its leaves as source of fodder.