
Test / demo environment for Perfana

Primary LanguageShell

Perfana demo

A docker-compose setup to run a Perfana demo environment.


  • Start all the containers with: sudo docker-compose up -d

The end result will be an environment with the following started docker containers:

Container Description Exposed port
Perfana Performance dashboard application 3000
Grafana Monitoring dashboard application 4000
mongodb Database to store dashboard configurations 27017
graphite Time based metrics store 8070 / 2004 /8125
jenkins CI server to start demo scripts 8080
mean Demo application to run performance tests against 3001
influxdb Time based metrics store 8086 / 2003
telegraf Metric collection agent -
prometheus Time based metrics store 9090
node exporter Exporter for machine metrics -
cadvisor Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers -


Another approach is to use Vagrant and VirtualBox to create a virtual machine. This way the setting up of the environment is completely automated. You can use the following steps:

  • Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
  • Install the vagrant-docker-compose plugin using the command line: vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-compose
  • Use this Vagrantfile to generate a box. Place file in a directory of your choosing and use command line in that directory: vagrant up.

shortcut using curl: curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/perfana/perfana-test-env/master/Vagrantfile && vagrant up

Demo instructions

  • Open Perfana dashboard at http://localhost:3000
  • Sign in with user/paswword admin@example.com/admin
  • Click "Grafana configuration" in the sidebar
  • Click "Sync all Grafana instance dashboards" (refresh icon). This should sync Perfana with the Grafana instance running at http://localhost:4000
  • Go the Jenkins at http://localhost:8080, and build job "PERFANA-GATLING-DEMO". The test run should should show up in Perfana! Run the build a few times to check out the benchmark features of Perfana.