Building docs

Get the Skeleton Files

Check out the github repo you wish to add docs to.

Remove (back-up) any existing /docs/ directory in the repo.

Copy skel/docs into the root of the repo, to create a new /docs/ directory. This directory contains:

Filename Purpose
docs/docusaurus.config.js Sample configuration for your docusaurus docs site
docs/sidebars.js Sample sidebar for your documentation tree
docs/ README for the docs in your new repo, with build instructions
docs/docs/threatmapper Location for your docs files (must rename first)
docs/docs/threatmapper/ Your first documentation file
In docs/static:
Styling for the deepfence skin for the classic theme
docs/src/pages/ Default home page for Deepfence docs; no need to edit
docs/yarn.lock, docs/package.json NPM package list, used when initialized with yarn
docs/.gitignore Configuration to ignore node dependencies and temporary files
docs/babel.config.js Babel config

These are the basic skeleton files needed to create a local docs site.

Customise the Skeleton files

The skeleton files are set up for the threatmapper product. You'll need to select an alternative product name (e.g. packetstreamer) and edit the files appropriately.

cd docs/

Rename the docs/threatmapper directory to be product-appropriate, e.g. packetstreamer. The markdown files for the product documentation will be wholy contained in that location.

Edit docusaurus.config.js to make it product-appropriate. You'll want to replace:

  1. config.title
  2. config.tagline
  4. themeconfig.navbar.items[0]

Edit sidebars.js:

  1. Replace the name of the sidebar object to the appropriate product name.
  2. Correct the value in the sidebar-title

You will want to edit sidebars.js further, to define the nav structure of the documentation, but that can wait.

Check you've replaced all instances:

# Should return nothing
grep -ir threatmapper .

You'll then want to add these files into your repository, before you initialize docusaurus:

git add `find . -type f`

Initialise Docusaurus

Initialize Docusaurus:

cd docs/

# you're now in the docs folder, with package.json and yarn.lock

# Do this once to initialize the necessary packages

Docusaurus will create a number of local temporary files which should not be tracked by git; these are excluded by the local .gitignore.

Do this to start the docs application

yarn start

Write your docs

cd docs

You can now begin adding docs, into docs/productname, and edit the sidebar at sidebar.js. Take a look at other Deepfence products to understand the schema.