
An online frontend programming sandbox with integrated browser with live reloading built using react, react-dom, django and the webcontainer api

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Websandbox - Code. Experiment. Create. The Online Sandbox For Your Programming Ideas.

Build your web application completely on the web. With html, css, javascript and typescript support by default.


Project Demo

Project Features

  • A code editor.
  • Live reloading.
  • A browser for viewing project output.
  • Ability to save your project.
  • Ability to view other users work.
  • Login and Logout.


  • Python
  • Typescript
  • Django and Django rest framework
  • React
  • Vite
  • React router
  • Webcontainers
  • Tailwind css
  • Material ui and Material ui icons

Setting up locally

  • Clone the project to your local computer using git via command git clone https://github.com/ogayanfe/birdie.git. You can simply download the zip folder and unzip if you don't have git installed.
  • cd into the application folder using your terminal.
  • cd into the backend direcory via the command cd backend.
  • You can create and activate a virtual environment here.
  • cd into the backend directory and run the command python3 install -r requirments.txt or python install -r requirements.txt on windows to install requirements.
  • You will lead to provide the following environment variables in your prduction environment.
    1. SECRET_KEY - Your django secret key. COMPULSORY.
    2. DEBUG - Whether the code should run in debug mode. It's value is either True or False. Defaults to True
    3. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Your AWS access key id.
    4. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Your AWS secret access key id.
    5. AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME - Your AWS bucket name.
    6. USE_S3 - Whether the project should use aws s3 storage. It's value is either True or False. Default to !DEBUG
  • Run the command python3 manage.py migrate or python manage.py migrate on windows to load the database.
  • Run the command python3 manage.py runserver or python manage.py runserver on windows to start the django development server.
  • Go back into the root folder of the repo and cd into the websandbox folder with command cd websandbox
  • Run the command npm install to install requirements
  • Run the command npm run dev to start the react development server.
  • Navigate to the url localhost:5173 on your browser


Licensed under GPL-3.0

Image Galary

Landing Page

websandbox-home-light websandbox-home-dark


websandboxx netlify app_dashboard_ (3)
websandboxx netlify app_dashboard_ (1)



Sandbox Editor


Sandbox Editor with output
