
A simple project to draw people's connections on Instagram

Primary LanguagePython


A program to find connections between a primary target and the people they follow on Instagram

This program takes an initial goal and recursively extracts the people who are followed by this goal until it reaches the depth of the program's input.

At the end of the extraction process, a chart of connections between people is displayed


1.After entering the Evolvement folder, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

2.If you do not have the firefox browser, download it.

3.Log in to your account using the firefox browser.

4.Stay logged in and run the file 615_import_firefox_session.py (at this stage you can log out of your account)

python 615_import_firefox_session.py

5.Enter the conf.ini file and just put your user account name in front of USER_NAME and save the changes.


Run the evolvement.py file:

python evolvement.py



'a': ['b', 'c', 'd'],
'b': ['c', 'a', 'e'],
'c': ['b', 'd', 'f'],
'd': ['a', 'c', 'e'],
'e': ['d', 'f', 'b'],
'f': ['e', 'a', 'c']

