
An embeddable lightweight, high-performance Go/Golang MQTT Server (broker) for IoT and PubSub

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Mochi MQTT

A High-performance MQTT server in Go (v3.0 | v3.1.1)

Mochi MQTT is an embeddable high-performance MQTT broker server written in Go, and compliant with the MQTT v3.0 and v3.1.1 specification for the development of IoT and smarthome projects. The server can be used either as a standalone binary or embedded as a library in your own projects. Mochi MQTT message throughput is comparable with everyone's favourites such as Mosquitto, Mosca, and VerneMQ.

What is MQTT?

MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport. It is a publish/subscribe, extremely simple and lightweight messaging protocol, designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency or unreliable networks. Learn more

Mochi MQTT Features

  • Paho MQTT 3.0 / 3.1.1 compatible.
  • Full MQTT Feature-set (QoS, Retained, $SYS)
  • Trie-based Subscription model.
  • Ring Buffer packet codec.
  • TCP, Websocket, (including SSL/TLS) and Dashboard listeners.
  • Interfaces for Client Authentication and Topic access control.
  • Bolt-backed persistence and storage interfaces.
  • Directly Publishing from embedding service (s.Publish(topic, message, retain)).
  • Basic Event Hooks (currently onMessage)


  • MQTT v5 compatibility?

Using the Broker

Mochi MQTT can be used as a standalone broker. Simply checkout this repository and run the main.go entrypoint in the cmd folder which will expose tcp (:1883), websocket (:1882), and dashboard (:8080) listeners. A docker image is coming soon.

cd cmd
go build -o mqtt && ./mqtt

Quick Start

import (
  mqtt "github.com/mochi-co/mqtt/server"

func main() {
    // Create the new MQTT Server.
    server := mqtt.New()
    // Create a TCP listener on a standard port.
    tcp := listeners.NewTCP("t1", ":1883")
    // Add the listener to the server with default options (nil).
    err := server.AddListener(tcp, nil)
    if err != nil {
    // Start the broker. Serve() is blocking - see examples folder 
    // for usage ideas.
    err = server.Serve()
    if err != nil {

Examples of running the broker with various configurations can be found in the examples folder.

Network Listeners

The server comes with a variety of pre-packaged network listeners which allow the broker to accept connections on different protocols. The current listeners are:

  • listeners.NewTCP(id, address string) - A TCP Listener, taking a unique ID and a network address to bind.
  • listeners.NewWebsocket(id, address string) A Websocket Listener
  • listeners.NewHTTPStats() An HTTP $SYS info dashboard
Configuring Network Listeners

When a listener is added to the server using server.AddListener, a *listeners.Config may be passed as the second argument.

Authentication and ACL

Authentication and ACL may be configured on a per-listener basis by providing an Auth Controller to the listener configuration. Custom Auth Controllers should satisfy the auth.Controller interface found in listeners/auth. Two default controllers are provided, auth.Allow, which allows all traffic, and auth.Disallow, which denies all traffic.

err := server.AddListener(tcp, &listeners.Config{
	Auth: new(auth.Allow),

If no auth controller is provided in the listener configuration, the server will default to Disallowing all traffic to prevent unintentional security issues.


SSL may be configured on both the TCP and Websocket listeners by providing a public-private PEM key pair to the listener configuration as []byte slices.

err := server.AddListener(tcp, &listeners.Config{
    Auth: new(auth.Allow),
    TLS: &listeners.TLS{
        Certificate: publicCertificate, 
        PrivateKey:  privateKey,

Note the mandatory inclusion of the Auth Controller!

Event Hooks

Some basic Event Hooks have been added, allowing you to call your own functions when certain events occur. The execution of the functions are blocking - if necessary, please handle goroutines within the embedding service.


server.Events.OnMessage is called when a Publish packet is received. The function receives the published message and information about the client who published it. This function will block message dispatching until it returns.

This hook is only triggered when a message is received by clients. It is not triggered when using the direct server.Publish method.

import "github.com/mochi-co/mqtt/server/events"

server.Events.OnMessage = func(cl events.Client, pk events.Packet) (pkx events.Packet, err error) {
    if string(pk.Payload) == "hello" {
        pkx = pk
        pkx.Payload = []byte("hello world")
        return pkx, nil
    return pk, nil

The OnMessage hook can also be used to selectively only deliver messages to one or more clients based on their id, using the AllowClients []string field on the packet structure.

A working example can be found in the examples/events folder. Please open an issue if there is a particular event hook you are interested in!

Direct Publishing

When the broker is being embedded in a larger codebase, it can be useful to be able to publish messages directly to clients without having to implement a loopback TCP connection with an MQTT client. The Publish method allows you to inject publish messages directly into a queue to be delivered to any clients with matching topic filters. The Retain flag is supported.

// func (s *Server) Publish(topic string, payload []byte, retain bool) error
err := s.Publish("a/b/c", []byte("hello"), false)
if err != nil {

A working example can be found in the examples/events folder.

Data Persistence

Mochi MQTT provides a persistence.Store interface for developing and attaching persistent stores to the broker. The default persistence mechanism packaged with the broker is backed by Bolt and can be enabled by assigning a *bolt.Store to the server.

// import "github.com/mochi-co/mqtt/server/persistence/bolt"
err = server.AddStore(bolt.New("mochi.db", nil))
if err != nil {

Persistence is on-demand (not flushed) and will potentially reduce throughput when compared to the standard in-memory store. Only use it if you need to maintain state through restarts.

Paho Interoperability Test

You can check the broker against the Paho Interoperability Test by starting the broker using examples/paho/main.go, and then running the test with python3 client_test.py from the interoperability folder.

Performance (messages/second)

Performance benchmarks were tested using MQTT-Stresser on a 13-inch, Early 2015 Macbook Pro (2.7 GHz Intel Core i5). Taking into account bursts of high and low throughput, the median scores are the most useful. Higher is better. SEND = Publish throughput, RECV = Subscribe throughput.

As usual, any performance benchmarks should be taken with a pinch of salt, but are shown to demonstrate typical throughput compared to the other leading MQTT brokers.

Single Client, 10,000 messages With only 1 client, there is no variation in throughput so the benchmark is reports the same number for high, low, and median.

1 Client, 10,000 Messages

mqtt-stresser -broker tcp://localhost:1883 -num-clients=1 -num-messages=10000

Mochi Mosquitto EMQX VerneMQ Mosca
SEND Max 36505 30597 27202 32782 30125
SEND Min 36505 30597 27202 32782 30125
SEND Median 36505 30597 27202 32782 30125
RECV Max 152221 59130 7879 17551 9145
RECV Min 152221 59130 7879 17551 9145
RECV Median 152221 59130 7879 17551 9145

10 Clients, 1,000 Messages

10 Clients, 1,000 Messages

mqtt-stresser -broker tcp://localhost:1883 -num-clients=10 -num-messages=1000

Mochi Mosquitto EMQX VerneMQ Mosca
SEND Max 37193 15775 17455 34138 36575
SEND Min 6529 6446 7714 8583 7383
SEND Median 15127 7813 10305 9887 8169
RECV Max 33535 3710 3022 4534 9411
RECV Min 7484 2661 1689 2021 2275
RECV Median 11427 3142 1831 2468 4692

10 Clients, 10,000 Messages

10 Clients, 10000 Messages

mqtt-stresser -broker tcp://localhost:1883 -num-clients=10 -num-messages=10000

Mochi Mosquitto EMQX VerneMQ Mosca
SEND Max 13153 13270 12229 13025 38446
SEND Min 8728 8513 8193 6483 3889
SEND Median 9045 9532 9252 8031 9210
RECV Max 20774 5052 2093 2071 43008
RECV Min 10718 3995 1531 1673 18764
RECV Median 16339 4607 1620 1907 33524

500 Clients, 100 Messages

500 Clients, 100 Messages

mqtt-stresser -broker tcp://localhost:1883 -num-clients=500 -num-messages=100

Mochi Mosquitto EMQX VerneMQ Mosca
SEND Max 70688 72686 71392 75336 73192
SEND Min 1021 2577 1603 8417 2344
SEND Median 49871 33076 33637 35200 31312
RECV Max 116163 4215 3427 5484 10100
RECV Min 1044 156 56 83 169
RECV Median 24398 208 94 413 474


Contributions and feedback are both welcomed and encouraged! Open an issue to report a bug, ask a question, or make a feature request.