
R Course for VTT Technical Research Center of Finland

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R Course for VTT Technical Research Center of Finland

Dear data-savvy colleagues, you have landed on the homepage of R programming language course, given by me (Ouz). Everything you will need for this course will appear (somewhat on-the-go) under this repository. This course is aimed for anyone who has anything to do with any kind of data. It is composed of online, real-time lectures & some exercises for post-lecture fun (exercises are optional, fun is definitely optional). Lectures will be hands-on and practical (still accompanied by short lecture notes).

I will try to adjust the implementation (content, pace, requirements etc.) according to your needs and will try to add some homour and games whenever possible. Please feel free to contact me anytime for questions, comments and/or feedback.

Contents of the Course

  • Basics of R & RStudio ✔️
    • What exactly is R?
    • What about this RStudio thingy?
    • When to use / avoid R?
    • Basic data types, functions
    • Reading & writing data
    • Debugging
  • Data frames ✔️
    • Data frame paradigm and why it is cool
  • Data munging & wrangling ✔️
    • melt, reshape, cast, aggregate etc.
    • plyr & dplyr packages
    • applys
  • Reading and writing data ✔️
  • Visualization & plotting ✔️
    • base
    • lattice
    • ggplot2
  • Statistics for researchers ✔️
    • Answering the question: Conference deadline is in 1 week, so which one of this is the p-value?
    • Useful statistical tests
  • Markdown & reporting ✔️
    • Reproducible research
    • knitr
    • Interactive plots
  • What to do with missing data? ✔️
  • Signal processing ✔️
    • Filter design
    • Frequency domain analysis
  • Machine learning ✔️
    • Some cool stuff
    • More cool stuff
  • Profiling your code ✔️
    • Answering the question: I already had lunch and 2 coffee breaks, when will I get my results?
    • Tips for speeding up the code
  • Interacting with other languages and environments (tentative)
    • python, SQL, MATLAB, LATEX, mongodb etc.
  • Applications (some of the below, suggestions are welcome) ✔️
    • Text mining
    • Mining PubMed
    • Mining Wikipedia hits
    • Time series forecasting
    • Network analysis
    • Survival analysis
    • Anomaly/outlier detection
  • Parallel processing ✔️
    • Running your code on multiple cores
  • Shiny app (tentative)


All lectures are at 14:00 - 16:00 (EEST). A link for attending the lectures will be provided to each one of you via email.

Lecture Date
Lecture 1 Wednesday 27.04.2016 ✔️
Lecture 2 Tuesday 03.05.2016 ✔️
Lecture 3 Wednesday 04.05.2016 ✔️
Lecture 4 Wednesday 11.05.2016 ✔️

Getting Ready

For this course, we will be needing R (the actual programming language) and RStudio (the IDE for R as we don't want to kill ourselves while getting things done in R).

  • Go to R homepage and click the download R link.
  • Choose a mirror (doesn't really matter) and afterwards your operating system.
    • If you are on Windows, click on "Install R for the first time" and "Download R 3.2.x for Windows" (x is 5 as of 25.04.2016).
    • If you are on Mac, click on the file containing the latest version of R under Files (R-3.2.4.pkg as of 25.04.2016).
  • Follow the regular installation steps (if asked choose 64 bit R).

  • Go to RStudio download page
  • Under Installers for Supported Platforms choose your own OS. (RStudio 0.99.896 as of 25.04.2016)
  • Follow the regular installation steps

Required packages/libraries for the course are listed in required_packages.txt



There will be exercises related to the lectures almost as if you are not spending enough time in front of your computer day and night. These exercises are not mandatory at all. I will try to to gamify these as much as possible and hopefully provide some options to choose from as well. All exercises have the same deadline: 31.05.2016


This part is basically for myself.

  • Create a course page
  • Add instructions for installation R & RStudio
  • Publish the course content
  • Add logos
  • Check the code in Linux, Mac and Windows machines just in case
  • Lecture 1 notes & exercises
  • Brush up your statistics knowledge and double check the results in python
  • Lecture 2 notes & exercises
  • Collect opinions for application examples
  • Ease down the machine learning stuff
  • Lecture 3 notes & exercises
  • Prepare the actual lecture 4
  • Lecture 4 notes & exercises
  • Collect feedback
  • Have a cold beer


MIT license.


Oguzhan (Ouz) Gencoglu, oguzhan.gencoglu@tut.fi